Subversion Repositories SvarDOS


Rev 798 | Rev 802 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

<?php /*

  SvarDOS repo index builder
  Copyright (C) Mateusz Viste 2012-2022

  buildidx computes an index json file for the SvarDOS repository.
  it must be executed pointing to a directory that stores packages (*.svp)
  files. buildidx will generate the index file and save it into the package

  requires php-zip

  17 feb 2022: checking for non-8+3 filenames in packages and duplicates + devload no longer part of CORE
  16 feb 2022: added warning about overlong version strings and wild files location
  15 feb 2022: index is generated as json, contains all filenames and alt versions
  14 feb 2022: packages are expected to have the *.svp extension
  12 feb 2022: skip source packages from being processed (*
  20 jan 2022: rewritten the code from ANSI C to PHP for easier maintenance
  13 feb 2021: 'title' LSM field is no longer looked after
  11 feb 2021: lsm headers are no longer checked, so it is compatible with the simpler lsm format used by SvarDOS
  13 jan 2021: removed the identification line, changed CRC32 to bsum, not creating the listing.txt file and stopped compressing index
  23 apr 2017: uncompressed index is no longer created, added CRC32 of zib (bin only) files, if present
  28 aug 2016: listing.txt is always written inside the repo dir (instead of inside current dir)
  27 aug 2016: accepting full paths to repos (starting with /...)
  07 dec 2013: rewritten buildidx in ANSI C89
  19 aug 2013: add a compressed version of the index file to repos (index.gz)
  22 jul 2013: creating a listing.txt file with list of packages
  18 jul 2013: writing the number of packaged into the first line of the lst file
  11 jul 2013: added a switch to 7za to make it case insensitive when extracting lsm files
  10 jul 2013: changed unzip calls to 7za (to handle cases when appinfo is compressed with lzma)
  04 feb 2013: added CRC32 support
  22 sep 2012: forked 1st version from FDUPDATE builder

$PVER = "20220217";

// computes the BSD sum of a file and returns it
function file2bsum($fname) {
  $result = 0;

  $fd = fopen($fname, 'rb');
  if ($fd === false) return(0);

  while (!feof($fd)) {

    $buff = fread($fd, 1024 * 1024);

    $slen = strlen($buff);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $slen; $i++) {
      // rotr
      $result = ($result >> 1) | ($result << 15);
      // add and truncate to 16 bits
      $result += ord($buff[$i]);
      $result &= 0xffff;


// reads file fil from zip archive z and returns its content, or false on error
function read_file_from_zip($z, $fil) {
  $zip = new ZipArchive;
  if ($zip->open($z, ZipArchive::RDONLY) !== true) {
    echo "ERROR: failed to open zip file '{$z}'\n";

  // load the appinfo/pkgname.lsm file
  $res = $zip->getFromName($fil, 8192, ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE);


function read_list_of_files_in_zip($z) {
  $zip = new ZipArchive;
  if ($zip->open($z, ZipArchive::RDONLY) !== true) {
    echo "ERROR: failed to open zip file '{$z}'\n";

  $res = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) $res[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);


// reads a LSM string and returns it in the form of an array
function parse_lsm($s) {
  $res = array();
  for ($l = strtok($s, "\n"); $l !== false; $l = strtok("\n")) {
    // the line is "token: value", let's find the colon
    $colpos = strpos($l, ':');
    if (($colpos === false) || ($colpos === 0)) continue;
    $tok = strtolower(trim(substr($l, 0, $colpos)));
    $val = trim(substr($l, $colpos + 1));
    $res[$tok] = $val;

// on PHP 8+ there is str_starts_with(), but not on PHP 7 so I use this
function str_head_is($haystack, $needle) {
  return strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;

// returns an array that contains CORE packages (populated from the core subdirectory in pkgdir)
function load_core_list($repodir) {
  $res = array();

  foreach (scandir($repodir . '/core/') as $f) {
    if (!preg_match('/\.svp$/', $f)) continue;
    $res[] = explode('.', $f)[0];

// ***************** MAIN ROUTINE *********************************************

//echo "SvarDOS repository index generator ver {$PVER}\n";

if (($_SERVER['argc'] != 2) || ($_SERVER['argv'][1][0] == '-')) {
  echo "usage: php buildidx.php repodir\n";

$repodir = $_SERVER['argv'][1];

$pkgfiles = scandir($repodir);
$pkgcount = 0;

// load the list of CORE and MSDOS_COMPAT packages

$core_packages_list = load_core_list($repodir);
$msdos_compat_list = explode(' ', 'append assign attrib chkdsk choice command cpidos debug defrag deltree diskcopy display edit edlin fc fdapm fdisk find format help himemx kernel keyb label localcfg mem mode more move nlsfunc print replace share shsucdx sort swsubst tree undelete unformat xcopy');

// do a list of all svp packages with their available versions and descriptions

$pkgdb = array();
foreach ($pkgfiles as $fname) {
  if (!preg_match('/\.svp$/i', $fname)) continue; // skip non-svp files

  if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9+. _-]*\.svp$/', $fname)) {
    echo "ERROR: {$fname} has a very weird name\n";

  $path_parts = pathinfo($fname);
  $pkgnam = explode('-', $path_parts['filename'])[0];
  $pkgfullpath = realpath($repodir . '/' . $fname);

  $lsm = read_file_from_zip($pkgfullpath, "appinfo/{$pkgnam}.lsm");
  if ($lsm == false) {
    echo "ERROR: pkg {$fname} does not contain an LSM file at the expected location\n";
  $lsmarray = parse_lsm($lsm);
  if (empty($lsmarray['version'])) {
    echo "ERROR: lsm file in {$fname} does not contain a version\n";
  if (strlen($lsmarray['version']) > 16) {
    echo "ERROR: version string in lsm file of {$fname} is too long (16 chars max)\n";
  if (empty($lsmarray['description'])) {
    echo "ERROR: lsm file in {$fname} does not contain a description\n";

  // validate the files present in the archive
  $listoffiles = read_list_of_files_in_zip($pkgfullpath);
  $pkgdir = $pkgnam;

  // special rule for "parent and children" packages
  if (str_head_is($pkgnam, 'djgpp_')) $pkgdir = 'djgpp'; // djgpp_* packages put their files in djgpp
  if ($pkgnam == 'fbc_help') $pkgdir = 'fbc'; // FreeBASIC help goes to the FreeBASIC dir

  // array used to detect duplicated entries after lower-case conversion
  $duparr = array();

  foreach ($listoffiles as $f) {
    $f = strtolower($f);
    $path_array = explode('/', $f);
    // emit a warning when non-8+3 filenames are spotted and find duplicates
    foreach ($path_array as $item) {
      if (empty($item)) continue; // skip empty items at end of paths (eg. appinfo/)
      if (!preg_match("/[a-z0-9!#$%&'()@^_`{}~-]{1,8}(\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'()@^_`{}~-]{1,3}){0,1}/", $item)) {
        echo "WARNING: {$fname} contains a non-8+3 path (or weird char): {$item} (in $f)\n";
    // look for dups
    if (array_search($f, $duparr) !== false) {
      echo "WARNING: {$fname} contains a duplicated entry: '{$f}'\n";
    } else {
      $duparr[] = $f;
    // LSM file is ok
    if ($f === "appinfo/{$pkgnam}.lsm") continue;
    if ($f === "appinfo/") continue;
    // CORE and MSDOS_COMPAT packages are premium citizens and can do a little more
    if ((array_search($pkgnam, $core_packages_list) !== false)
       || (array_search($pkgnam, $msdos_compat_list) !== false)) {
      if (str_head_is($f, 'bin/')) continue;
      if (str_head_is($f, 'cpi/')) continue;
      if (str_head_is($f, "doc/{$pkgdir}/")) continue;
      if ($f === 'doc/') continue;
      if (str_head_is($f, "nls/{$pkgdir}.")) continue;
      if ($f === 'nls/') continue;
    // the help package is allowed to put files in... help
    if (($pkgnam == 'help') && (str_head_is($f, 'help/'))) continue;
    // well-known "category" dirs are okay
    if (str_head_is($f, "progs/{$pkgdir}/")) continue;
    if ($f === 'progs/') continue;
    if (str_head_is($f, "devel/{$pkgdir}/")) continue;
    if ($f === 'devel/') continue;
    if (str_head_is($f, "games/{$pkgdir}/")) continue;
    if ($f === 'games/') continue;
    if (str_head_is($f, "drivers/{$pkgdir}/")) continue;
    if ($f === 'drivers/') continue;
    echo "WARNING: {$fname} contains a file in an illegal location: {$f}\n";

  $meta['fname'] = $fname;
  $meta['desc'] = $lsmarray['description'];

  $pkgdb[$pkgnam][$lsmarray['version']] = $meta;

$db = array();

// iterate over each svp package
foreach ($pkgdb as $pkg => $versions) {

  // sort filenames by version, highest first
  uksort($versions, "version_compare");
  $versions = array_reverse($versions, true);

  foreach ($versions as $ver => $meta) {
    $fname = $meta['fname'];
    $desc = $meta['desc'];

    $bsum = file2bsum(realpath($repodir . '/' . $fname));

    $meta2['ver'] = strval($ver);
    $meta2['bsum'] = $bsum;

    if (empty($db[$pkg]['desc'])) $db[$pkg]['desc'] = $desc;
    $db[$pkg]['versions'][$fname] = $meta2;



if ($pkgcount < 100) echo "WARNING: an unexpectedly low number of packages has been found in the repo ({$pkgcount})\n";

$json_blob = json_encode($db);
if ($json_blob === false) {
  echo "ERROR: JSON convertion failed! -> ";
  switch (json_last_error()) {
      echo 'maximum stack depth exceeded';
      echo 'underflow of the modes mismatch';
      echo 'unexpected control character found';
    case JSON_ERROR_UTF8:
      echo 'malformed utf-8 characters';
      echo "unknown error";
  echo "\n";

file_put_contents($repodir . '/_index.json', json_encode($db));

