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# Latvian translation of pdTree v1 and FreeDOS tree 3.6
# by Kristaps Kaupe <>
# common to many functions [Set 1]
# main [Set 1] 
1.2:Katalogu CEêA saraksts\n
# Must include %s for label 
1.3:Katalogu CEêA saraksts s‰jumam %s\n
# Must include %s for serial #  
1.4:S‰juma s‰rijas numurs ir %s\n
1.5:ApakÕkatalogi neeksist‰\n\n
1.6: --- Press any key to continue ---\n
# showUsage [Set 2]
2.1:Grafiski parƒda diska vai ceëa katalogu strukt×ru.\n
# Each %c below will be replaced with proper switch/option
2.2:TREE [disks:][ceëÕ] [%c%c] [%c%c]\n
2.3:   %c%c   IzvadŒt failu nosaukumus katrƒ katalogƒ.\n
2.4:   %c%c   Izmantot ASCII paplaÕinƒto simbolu vietƒ.\n
# showInvalidUsage [Set 3] 
# Must include the %s for option given.
3.1:Nepareiza atsl‰ga - %s\n
# The %c will be replaced with the primary switch (default is /)
3.2:Lietojiet TREE %c? lai ieg×tu lietoÕanas informƒciju.\n
3.3:Pƒrƒk daudz parametru - %s\n
# showVersionInfo [Set 4] 
# also uses treeDescription, message 2.1
4.1:SarakstŒts lai darbotos ar FreeDOS\n
4.2:Win32(c) console and DOS with LFN support.\n
# Must include the %s for version string. 
4.3:Versija %s\n
4.4:SarakstŒjis:   Kenneth J. Davis\n
4.5:Datums:        Augusts/Septembris/Oktobris/Novembris, 2000; Janvƒris, 2001\n
4.7:AutortiesŒbas: sabiedrŒbas ŒpaÕums [ASV definŒcijƒ]\n
#4.8 is only used when cats support is compiled in.
4.8:Izmanto Jim Hall <> Cats bibliot‰ku\n  AutortiesŒbas (C) 1999,2000,2001 Jim Hall\n
#4.20 20-30 reserved for FreeDOS tree derived from Dave Dunfield's tree
#4.20:Copyright 1995 Dave Dunfield - Freely distributable.\n
4.20:AutortiesŒbas 1995, 2000 Dave Dunfield - brŒvi izplatƒms (kopÕ 2000 zem VPL).\n
# showInvalidDrive [Set 5] 
5.1:Kë×daini norƒdŒta diskiekƒrta\n
# showInvalidPath [Set 6] 
# Must include %s for the invalid path given. 
6.1:Kë×dains ceëÕ - %s\n
# misc error conditions [Set 7]
# showBufferOverrun
# %u required to show what the buffer's current size is. 
7.1:Kë×da: Faila ceëÕ pƒrsniedz maksimƒlo buferi = %u baitus\n
# showOutOfMemory
# %s required to display what directory we were processing when ran out of memory.
7.2:Pietr×kst atmiìas apakÕkatalogƒ: %s\n
# parseArguments [Set 8] contains the Character[s] used for
#   argument processing.  Only the 1st character on a line is used.
#   Each argument is listed twice, the first is the uppercase version,
#   with the next entry being the lowercase version.
# Primary character used to determine option follows, default is '-'
# Secondary character used to determine option follows, default is '/'