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files.lst    This file, file listing for pdTree v1.03
pdTree.lsm   LSM file for pdTree v1
readme.1st   Any extra info you should read first.
readme.txt   General info about this version of tree.
changes.txt  Changelog for pdTree v1.
bugs.txt     Information about known bugs and reporting problems.
tree.cpp     Main tree source. Compiles with just this file under win32.

w32fdos\     Directory with large and small versions of w32fdos.cpp.
w32fDOS.h    Header file for Win32 File compatibility under DOS.
w32fDOS.cpp  Implementation [with LFN support] for w32fDOS.h (small & large versions)
wincon.h     Header file for Win32 console compatibility under DOS.
w32api.cpp   Win32 API compatibility functions (memory model neutral)

tree.en      Message catalog containing same text that is hard coded.      Message catalog containing spanish text, special thanks to Aitor Santamaria Merino.      Message catalog containing Turkish text, Emir SARI <>
tree.htm     Help file (based on and) for Joe Cosentino's <> HTML Help.

stack.h      Public domain stack functions written by Andrew Clarke (1995,96), header file
stack.c      implementation (slightly modified)

stream.c     Public domain NT streams functions based on streams.cpp by Felix Kasza (1998?)

tree.def     A definition file created and deleted when compiling with Borland's BCC55
             and specifying a STUB file.  Should be deleted if exists.

compile.txt  Instructions for compiling tree.
makedos.bat  Batch file to compile the DOS version of tree. Edit to use BCC instead of TCC.
makwinvc.bat Batch file to compile the Win32 Console version of tree. VC 5.
makwinbc.bat Batch file to compile the Win32 Console version of tree. Borland BCC55.
make.bat     Batch file to build Win32 Console with DOS stub version of tree.
yes.txt      A file with a Y and an Enter, used in the Batch files to avoid prompts.

extra\       Source and executable for PD program to update DOS stub's exe header
exehdr.h     Defines describing exe header used by fixstub.c
fixstub.c    Source to fixstub.exe
fixstub.exe  Win32/DOS executable to update a DOS stub's exe header to be PE compatible
vidmode.c    Determine size of current video mode, returns # of rows on screen.

tree.exe     Tree - Win32 Console version with DOS version as stub.
             This version should run the w32 version under Windows (copyright Microsoft)
             and the DOS version under DOS (FreeDOS, MSDOS, PCDOS, DRDOS, ...,
             copyright respective owners)

The original file is available as a separate download, however for
             convenience the License and required files are included.  Optional Cats support. Jim Halls LGPL cats for DOS unmodified. (Available separately.)
LGPL.txt     The license for cats (note pdTree is a public domain tree implementation).
CATGETS.C    Unmodified cats v3.8 implementation.
CATGETS.H    Unmodified header for catgets.
DB.C         Unmodified used by CATGETS.C
DB.H         Unmodified used by CATGETS.C and DB.C
GET_LINE.C   Unmodified used by Cats.