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#include <dos.h>
#include <direct.h>  /* mkdir() */
#include <stdio.h>   /* printf() and friends */
#include <stdlib.h>  /* system() */
#include <string.h>  /* memcpy() */
#include <unistd.h>

#include "kitten\kitten.h"

#include "cdrom.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "video.h"

/* color scheme (color, mono) */
static unsigned short COLOR_TITLEBAR[2] = {0x7000,0x7000};
static unsigned short COLOR_BODY[2] = {0x1700,0x0700};
static unsigned short COLOR_SELECT[2] = {0x7000,0x7000};
static unsigned short COLOR_SELECTCUR[2] = {0x1F00,0x0700};

/* mono flag */
static int mono = 0;

/* how much disk space does Svarog386 require (in MiB) */

/* reboot the computer */
static void reboot(void) {
  void ((far *bootroutine)()) = (void (far *)()) 0xFFFF0000L;
  int far *rstaddr = (int far *)0x00400072L; /* BIOS boot flag is at 0040:0072 */
  *rstaddr = 0x1234; /* 0x1234 = warm boot, 0 = cold boot */
  (*bootroutine)(); /* jump to the BIOS reboot routine at FFFF:0000 */

/* outputs a string to screen with taking care of word wrapping. returns amount of lines. */
static int putstringwrap(int y, int x, unsigned short attr, char *s) {
  int linew, lincount;
  linew = 80;
  if (x >= 0) linew -= (x << 1);

  for (lincount = 1; y+lincount < 25; lincount++) {
    int i, len = linew;
    for (i = 0; i <= linew; i++) {
      if (s[i] == ' ') len = i;
      if (s[i] == '\n') {
        len = i;
      if (s[i] == 0) {
        len = i;
    video_putstring(y++, x, attr, s, len);
    s += len;
    if (*s == 0) break;
    s += 1; /* skip the whitespace char */

/* an NLS wrapper around video_putstring(), also performs line wrapping when
 * needed. returns the amount of lines that were output */
static int putstringnls(int y, int x, unsigned short attr, int nlsmaj, int nlsmin, char *s) {
  s = kittengets(nlsmaj, nlsmin, s);
  return(putstringwrap(y, x, attr, s));

#define LDEC(x,y) (((unsigned short)x << 8) | (unsigned short)y)
/* provides codepage and country files required by lang */
static int getnlscp(char *lang, int *egafile) {
  unsigned short l;
  l = lang[0];
  l <<= 8;
  l |= lang[1];
  switch (l) {
    case LDEC('E','N'):
      *egafile = 0;
    case LDEC('P','L'):
      *egafile = 10;
  *egafile = 0;

static int menuselect(int ypos, int xpos, int height, char **list) {
  int i, offset = 0, res = 0, count, width = 0;
  /* count how many languages there is */
  for (count = 0; list[count] != NULL; count++) {
    int len = strlen(list[count]);
    if (len > width) width = len;

  /* if xpos negative, means 'center out' */
  if (xpos < 0) xpos = 39 - (width >> 1);

  video_putchar(ypos, xpos+width+2, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xBF);         /*       \ */
  video_putchar(ypos, xpos-1, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xDA);               /*  /      */
  video_putchar(ypos+height-1, xpos-1, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xC0);      /*  \      */
  video_putchar(ypos+height-1, xpos+width+2, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xD9);/*      /  */
  video_putcharmulti(ypos, xpos, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xC4, width + 2, 1);
  video_putcharmulti(ypos+height-1, xpos, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xC4, width + 2, 1);
  video_putcharmulti(ypos+1, xpos-1, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xB3, height - 2, 80);
  video_putcharmulti(ypos+1, xpos+width+2, COLOR_SELECT[mono], 0xB3, height - 2, 80);

  for (;;) {
    int key;
    /* list of selectable items */
    for (i = 0; i < height - 2; i++) {
      if (i + offset == res) {
        video_putchar(ypos + 1 + i, xpos, COLOR_SELECTCUR[mono], 16);
        video_putchar(ypos + 1 + i, xpos+width+1, COLOR_SELECTCUR[mono], 17);
        video_movecursor(ypos + 1 + i, xpos);
        video_putstringfix(ypos + 1 + i, xpos+1, COLOR_SELECTCUR[mono], list[i + offset], width);
      } else if (i + offset < count) {
        video_putchar(ypos + 1 + i, xpos, COLOR_SELECT[mono], ' ');
        video_putchar(ypos + 1 + i, xpos+width+1, COLOR_SELECT[mono], ' ');
        video_putstringfix(ypos + 1 + i, xpos+1, COLOR_SELECT[mono], list[i + offset], width);
      } else {
        video_putcharmulti(ypos + 1 + i, xpos, COLOR_SELECT[mono], ' ', width+2, 1);
    key = input_getkey();
    if (key == 0x0D) { /* ENTER */
    } else if (key == 0x148) { /* up */
      if (res > 0) {
        if (res < offset) offset = res;
    } else if (key == 0x150) { /* down */
      if (res+1 < count) {
        if (res > offset + height - 3) offset = res - (height - 3);
    } else if (key == 0x147) { /* home */
      res = 0;
      offset = 0;
    } else if (key == 0x14F) { /* end */
      res = count - 1;
      if (res > offset + height - 3) offset = res - (height - 3);
    } else if (key == 0x1B) {  /* ESC */
    } else {
      char buf[8];
      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%02X ", key);
      video_putstring(1, 0, COLOR_BODY[mono], buf, -1);

static void newscreen(void) {
  int x;
  char *title;
  title = kittengets(0, 0, "SVAROG386 INSTALLATION");
  for (x = 0; x < 80; x++) video_putchar(0, x, COLOR_TITLEBAR[mono], ' ');
  video_putstring(0, 40 - (strlen(title) >> 1), COLOR_TITLEBAR[mono], title, -1);
  video_clear(COLOR_BODY[mono], 80);

static int selectlang(char *lang) {
  int choice;
  int x;
  char *msg;
  char *code;
  char *langlist[] = {

  msg = kittengets(1, 0, "Welcome to Svarog386");
  x = 40 - (strlen(msg) >> 1);
  video_putstring(4, x, COLOR_BODY[mono], msg, -1);
  video_putcharmulti(5, x, COLOR_BODY[mono], '=', strlen(msg), 1);
  putstringnls(8, -1, COLOR_BODY[mono], 1, 1, "Please select your language from the list below:");
  choice = menuselect(10, -1, 12, langlist);
  if (choice < 0) return(-1);
  /* write short language code into lang */
  for (code = langlist[choice]; *code != 0; code++);
  memcpy(lang, code + 1, 2);
  lang[2] = 0;

/* returns 0 if installation must proceed, non-zero otherwise */
static int welcomescreen(void) {
  char *choice[] = {"Install Svarog386 to disk", "Quit to DOS", NULL};
  choice[0] = kittengets(0, 1, choice[0]);
  choice[1] = kittengets(0, 2, choice[1]);
  putstringnls(4, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], 2, 0, "You are about to install Svarog386: a free, MSDOS-compatible operating system based on the FreeDOS kernel. Svarog386 targets 386+ computers and comes with a variety of third-party applications.\n\nWARNING: If your PC has another operating system installed, this other system might be unable to boot once Svarog386 is installed.");
  return(menuselect(13, -1, 4, choice));

/* returns 1 if drive is removable, 0 if not, -1 on error */
static int isdriveremovable(int drv) {
  union REGS r; = 0x4408; = drv;
  int86(0x21, &r, &r);
  /* CF set on error, AX set to 0 if removable, 1 if fixed */
  if (r.x.cflag != 0) return(-1);
  if ( == 0) return(1);

/* returns total disk space of drive drv (in MiB, max 2048), or -1 if drive invalid */
static int disksize(int drv) {
  long res;
  union REGS r;
  r.h.ah = 0x36; /* DOS 2+ get free disk space */
  r.h.dl = drv;
  int86(0x21, &r, &r);
  if ( == 0xffffu) return(-1); /* AX set to FFFFh if drive invalid */
  res =;  /* sectors per cluster */
  res *= r.x.dx; /* dx contains total clusters, bx contains free clusters */
  res *=; /* bytes per sector */
  res >>= 20;    /* convert bytes to MiB */

/* returns 0 if disk is empty, non-zero otherwise */
static int diskempty(int drv) {
  unsigned int rc;
  int res;
  char buff[8];
  struct find_t fileinfo;
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\*.*", 'A' + drv - 1);
  rc = _dos_findfirst(buff, _A_NORMAL | _A_SUBDIR | _A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM, &fileinfo);
  if (rc == 0) {
    res = 1; /* call successfull means disk is not empty */
  } else {
    res = 0;
  /* _dos_findclose(&fileinfo); */ /* apparently required only on OS/2 */

static int preparedrive(void) {
  int driveremovable;
  int selecteddrive = 3; /* hardcoded to 'C:' for now */
  int cselecteddrive;
  int ds;
  char buff[1024];
  cselecteddrive = 'A' + selecteddrive - 1;
  for (;;) {
    driveremovable = isdriveremovable(selecteddrive);
    if (driveremovable < 0) {
      char *list[] = { "Create a partition automatically", "Run the FDISK partitioning tool", "Quit to DOS", NULL};
      list[0] = kittengets(0, 3, list[0]);
      list[1] = kittengets(0, 4, list[1]);
      list[2] = kittengets(0, 2, list[2]);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(3, 0, "ERROR: Drive %c: could not be found. Perhaps your hard disk needs to be partitioned first. Please create at least one partition on your hard disk, so Svarog386 can be installed on it. Note, that Svarog386 requires at least %d MiB of available disk space.\n\nYou can use the FDISK partitioning tool for creating the required partition manually, or you can let the installer partitioning your disk automatically. You can also abort the installation to use any other partition manager of your choice."), cselecteddrive, SVAROG_DISK_REQ);
      putstringwrap(4, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff);
      switch (menuselect(14, -1, 5, list)) {
        case 0:
          system("FDISK /AUTO");
        case 1:
          video_clear(0x0700, 0);
          video_movecursor(0, 0);
      putstringnls(10, 10, COLOR_BODY[mono], 3, 1, "Your computer will reboot now.");
      putstringnls(12, 10, COLOR_BODY[mono], 0, 5, "Press any key...");
    } else if (driveremovable > 0) {
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(3, 2, "ERROR: Drive %c: is a removable device. Installation aborted."), cselecteddrive);
      video_putstring(9, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff, -1);
      putstringnls(11, 2, COLOR_BODY[mono], 0, 5, "Press any key...");
    /* if not formatted, propose to format it right away (try to create a directory) */
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\SVWRTEST.123", cselecteddrive);
    if (mkdir(buff) == 0) {
    } else {
      char *list[] = { "Proceed with formatting", "Quit to DOS", NULL};
      list[0] = kittengets(0, 6, list[0]);
      list[1] = kittengets(0, 2, list[1]);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(3, 3, "ERROR: Drive %c: seems to be unformated. Do you wish to format it?"), cselecteddrive);
      video_putstring(7, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff, -1);
      if (menuselect(12, -1, 4, list) != 0) return(-1);
      video_clear(0x0700, 0);
      video_movecursor(0, 0);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "FORMAT %c: /Q /U /Z:seriously /V:SVAROG386", cselecteddrive);
    /* check total disk space */
    ds = disksize(selecteddrive);
    if (ds < SVAROG_DISK_REQ) {
      int y = 9;
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(3, 4, "ERROR: Drive %c: is not big enough! Svarog386 requires a disk of at least %d MiB."), cselecteddrive);
      y += putstringwrap(y, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff);
      putstringnls(++y, 2, COLOR_BODY[mono], 0, 5, "Press any key...");
    /* is the disk empty? */
    if (diskempty(selecteddrive) != 0) {
      char *list[] = { "Proceed with formatting", "Quit to DOS", NULL};
      list[0] = kittengets(0, 6, list[0]);
      list[1] = kittengets(0, 2, list[1]);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(3, 5, "ERROR: Drive %c: is not empty. Svarog386 must be installed on an empty disk.\n\nYou can format the disk now, to make it empty. Note however, that this will ERASE ALL CURRENT DATA on your disk."), cselecteddrive);
      putstringwrap(7, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff);
      if (menuselect(12, -1, 4, list) != 0) return(-1);
      video_clear(0x0700, 0);
      video_movecursor(0, 0);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "FORMAT %c: /Q /U /Z:seriously /V:SVAROG386", cselecteddrive);
    } else {
      /* final confirmation */
      char *list[] = { "Install Svarog386", "Quit to DOS", NULL};
      list[0] = kittengets(0, 1, list[0]);
      list[1] = kittengets(0, 2, list[1]);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(3, 6, "The installation of Svarog386 to %c: is about to begin."), cselecteddrive);
      video_putstring(7, -1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff, -1);
      if (menuselect(10, -1, 4, list) != 0) return(-1);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "SYS A: %c: > NUL", cselecteddrive);
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\TEMP", cselecteddrive);

/* copy file src into dst, substituting all characters c1 by c2 */
static void fcopysub(char *dst, char *src, char c1, char c2) {
  FILE *fdd, *fds;
  int buff;
  fds = fopen(src, "rb");
  if (fds == NULL) return;
  fdd = fopen(dst, "wb");
  if (fdd == NULL) {
  /* */
  for (;;) {
    buff = fgetc(fds);
    if (buff == EOF) break;
    if (buff == c1) buff = c2;
    fprintf(fdd, "%c", buff);
  /* close files and return */

static void bootfilesgen(int targetdrv, char *lang, int cdromdrv) {
  char buff[128];
  int cp, egafile;
  FILE *fd;
  cp = getnlscp(lang, &egafile);
  /*** CONFIG.SYS ***/
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\CONFIG.SYS", targetdrv);
  fd = fopen(buff, "wb");
  if (fd == NULL) return;
  fprintf(fd, "DOS=UMB,HIGH\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "FILES=50\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "DEVICE=%c:\\SYSTEM\\SVAROG.386\\BIN\\HIMEMX.EXE\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "SHELLHIGH=%c:\\SYSTEM\\SVAROG.386\\BIN\\COMMAND.COM /E:512 /P\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "REM COUNTRY=001,437,%c:\\SYSTEM\\CONF\\COUNTRY.SYS\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "DEVICE=%c:\\SYSTEM\\DRIVERS\\UDVD2\\UDVD2.SYS /D:SVCD0001 /H\r\n", targetdrv);
  /*** AUTOEXEC.BAT ***/
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT", targetdrv);
  fd = fopen(buff, "wb");
  if (fd == NULL) return;
  fprintf(fd, "@ECHO OFF\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "SET TEMP=%c:\\TEMP\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "SET DOSDIR=%c:\\SYSTEM\\SVAROG.386\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "SET NLSPATH=%%DOSDIR%%\\NLS\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "SET LANG=%s\r\n", lang);
  fprintf(fd, "SET DIRCMD=/OGNE/P/4\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "SET FDNPKG.CFG=%c:\\SYSTEM\\CFG\\FDNPKG.CFG\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "SET WATTCP.CFG=%c:\\SYSTEM\\CFG\\WATTCP.CFG\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "PATH %%DOSDIR%%\\BIN;%c:\\SYSTEM\\LINKS\r\n", targetdrv);
  fprintf(fd, "PROMPT $P$G\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "ALIAS REBOOT=FDAPM COLDBOOT\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "ALIAS HALT=FDAPM POWEROFF\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "FDAPM APMDOS\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "\r\n");
  if (egafile > 0) {
    fprintf(fd, "DISPLAY CON=(EGA,,1)\r\n");
    if (egafile == 1) {
      fprintf(fd, "MODE CON CP PREPARE=((%d) %c:\\SYSTEM\\SVAROG.386\\CPI\\EGA.CPX)\r\n", cp, targetdrv);
    } else {
      fprintf(fd, "MODE CON CP PREPARE=((%d) %c:\\SYSTEM\\SVAROG.386\\CPI\\EGA%d.CPX)\r\n", cp, targetdrv, egafile);
    fprintf(fd, "MODE CON CP SELECT=%d\r\n", cp);
    fprintf(fd, "\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "SHSUCDX /d:SVCD0001\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "REM Uncomment the line below for automatic mouse support\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "REM CTMOUSE\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "ECHO.\r\n");
  fprintf(fd, "ECHO Welcome to Svarog386! Type 'HELP' if you need help.\r\n");
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\SYSTEM\\CFG", targetdrv);
  /*** FDNPKG.CFG ***/
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\SYSTEM\\CFG\\FDNPKG.CFG", targetdrv);
  fcopysub(buff, "A:\\DAT\\FDNPKG.CFG", '$', cdromdrv);
  /*** COUNTRY.SYS ***/
  /*** PICOTCP ***/
  /*** WATTCP ***/

static void installpackages(int targetdrv, int cdromdrv) {
  char *pkglist[] = {
    "A:\\UDVD2", /* this one's not part of CORE, hence it's stored right on the floppy */
  int i, pkglistlen;
  char buff[64];
  /* count how long the pkg list is */
  for (pkglistlen = 0; pkglist[pkglistlen] != NULL; pkglistlen++);
  /* set DOSDIR and friends */
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\SYSTEM\\SVAROG.386", targetdrv);
  setenv("DOSDIR", buff, 1);
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%c:\\TEMP", targetdrv);
  setenv("TEMP", buff, 1);
  /* install packages */
  for (i = 0; pkglist[i] != NULL; i++) {
    char buff[128];
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), kittengets(4, 0, "Installing package %d/%d: %s"), i+1, pkglistlen, pkglist[i]);
    strcat(buff, "       ");
    video_putstring(10, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], buff, -1);
    if (pkglist[i][1] == ':') {
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "FDINST INSTALL %s.ZIP > NUL", pkglist[i]);
    } else {
      snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "FDINST INSTALL %c:\\CORE\\%s.ZIP > NUL", cdromdrv, pkglist[i]);

static void finalreboot(void) {
  int y = 9;
  y += putstringnls(y, 2, COLOR_BODY[mono], 5, 0, "Svarog386 installation is over. Your computer will reboot now.\nPlease remove the installation disk from your drive.");
  putstringnls(++y, 1, COLOR_BODY[mono], 0, 5, "Press any key...");

static void loadcp(char *lang) {
  int cp, egafile;
  char buff[64];
  cp = getnlscp(lang, &egafile);
  if (cp == 437) return;
  video_movecursor(1, 0);
  if (egafile == 1) {
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "MODE CON CP PREP=((%d) A:\\EGA.CPX) > NUL", cp);
  } else {
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "MODE CON CP PREP=((%d) A:\\EGA%d.CPX) > NUL", cp, egafile);
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "MODE CON CP SEL=%d > NUL", cp);
  /* below I re-init the video controller - apparently this is required if
   * I want the new glyph symbols to be actually applied */
  union REGS r;
  r.h.ah = 0x0F; /* get current video mode */
  int86(0x10, &r, &r); /* contains the current video mode now */ |= 128; /* set the high bit of AL to instruct BIOS not to flush VRAM's content (EGA+) */
  r.h.ah = 0; /* re-set video mode (to whatever is set in AL) */
  int86(0x10, &r, &r);

int main(void) {
  char lang[4];
  int targetdrv;
  int cdromdrv;

  /* find where the cdrom drive is */
  cdromdrv = cdrom_findfirst();
  if (cdromdrv < 0) {
    printf("ERROR: CD-ROM DRIVE NOT FOUND\r\n");
  cdromdrv += 'A'; /* convert the cdrom 'id' (A=0) to an actual drive letter */

  /* init screen and detect mono status */
  mono = video_init();

  for (;;) { /* fake loop, it's here just to break out easily */
    kittenopen("INSTALL"); /* NLS support */
    if (selectlang(lang) < 0) break; /* welcome to svarog, select your language */
    setenv("LANG", lang, 1);
    kittenclose(); /* reload NLS with new language */
    kittenopen("INSTALL"); /* NLS support */
    /*selectkeyb();*/ /* what keyb layout should we use? */
    if (welcomescreen() != 0) break; /* what svarog386 is, ask whether to run live dos or install */
    targetdrv = preparedrive(); /* what drive should we install to? check avail. space */
    if (targetdrv < 0) break;
    /*askaboutsources();*/ /* IF sources are available, ask if installing with them */
    installpackages(targetdrv, cdromdrv);    /* install packages */
    bootfilesgen(targetdrv, lang, cdromdrv); /* generate boot files and other configurations */
    /*localcfg();*/ /* show local params (currency, etc), and propose to change them (based on localcfg) */
    /*netcfg();*/ /* basic networking config */
    finalreboot(); /* remove the CD and reboot */
  kittenclose(); /* close NLS support */
  video_clear(0x0700, 0);
  video_movecursor(0, 0);