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# HELP SCREEN                                                                #


0.0:Syntax: FDISK [<drive#>] [commands]...

0.1:  no argument       Runs in interactive mode

0.2:  /INFO             Displays partition information of <drive#>

0.3:  /REBOOT           Reboots the Computer


0.10:Commands to create and delete partitions:

0.11:    <size> is a number for megabytes or MAX for maximum size

0.12:           or <number>,100 for <number> to be in percent

0.13:    <type#> is a numeric partition type or FAT-12/16/32 if /SPEC not given


0.20:  /PRI:<size> [/SPEC:<type#>]              Creates a primary partition

0.21:  /EXT:<size>                              Creates an extended DOS partition

0.22:  /LOG:<size> [/SPEC:<type#>]              Creates a logical drive

0.23:  /PRIO,/EXTO,/LOGO                        same as above, but avoids FAT32

0.24:  /AUTO                                    Automatically partitions the disk

0.26:  /DELETE {/PRI[:#] | /EXT | /LOG:<part#>  Deletes a partition

0.27:           | /NUM:<part#>}                 ...logical drives start at /NUM=5

0.29:  /DELETEALL                               Deletes all partitions from <drive#>


0.31:Setting active partitions:

0.32:  /ACTIVATE:<partition#>                   Sets <partition#> active

0.33:  /DEACTIVATE                              Deactivates all partitions


0.40:MBR (Master Boot Record) management:

0.41:  /CLEARMBR                Deletes all partitions and boot code

0.42:  /LOADMBR                 Loads part. table and code from "boot.mbr" into MBR

0.43:  /SAVEMBR                 Saves partition table and code into file "boot.mbr"


0.50:MBR code modifications leaving partitions intact:

0.51:  /IPL                     Installs the standard boot code into MBR <drive#>

0.52:                           ...same as /MBR and /CMBR for compatibility

0.53:  /SMARTIPL                Installs DriveSmart IPL into MBR <drive#>

0.54:  /LOADIPL                 Writes 440 code bytes from "boot.mbr" into MBR


0.60:Advanced partition table modification:

0.61:  /MODIFY:<part#>,<type#>                    Changes partition type to <type#>

0.62:                                             ...logical drives start at "5"

0.63:  /MOVE:<srcpart#>,<destpart#>               Moves primary partitions

0.64:  /SWAP:<1stpart#>,<2ndpart#>                Swaps primary partitions


0.70:For handling flags on a hard disk:

0.71:  /CLEARFLAG[{:<flag#>} | /ALL}]             Resets <flag#> or all on <drive#>

0.72:  /SETFLAG:<flag#>[,<value>]                 Sets <flag#> to 1 or <value>

0.73:  /TESTFLAG:<flag#>[,<value>]                Tests <flag#> for 1 or <value>


0.80:For obtaining information about the hard disk(s):

0.81:  /STATUS       Displays the current partition layout

0.82:  /DUMP         Dumps partition information from all hard disks(for debugging)


0.90:Interactive user interface switches:

0.91:  /UI           Always starts UI if given as last argument

0.92:  /MONO         Disables text attributes (bright, blinking text)

0.93:  /FPRMT        Prompts for FAT32/FAT16 in interactive mode

0.94:  /XO           Enables extended options


0.100:Compatibility options:

0.101:  /X            Disables ext. INT 13 and LBA for the following commands


0.200:This program is Copyright %s by Brian E. Reifsnyder and

0.201:The FreeDOS Project under the terms of the GNU General Public License,

0.202:version 2.


0.204:This program comes as-is and without warranty of any kind. The author of

0.205:this software assumes no responsibility pertaining to the use or mis-use of

0.206:this software. By using this software, the operator is understood to be

0.207:agreeing to the terms of the above.


# FAT32 SUPPORT SCREEN                                                       #


1.0:\e[5;5HFDISK is capable of using large disk support to allow you to

1.1:    create partitions that are greater than 2,048 MB by using FAT32

1.2:    partitions. If you enable large disk support, any partitions or

1.3:    logical drives greater than 512 MB will be created using FAT32.

1.4:    IMPORTANT: If you enable large disk support, some operating systems

1.5:    will be unable to access the partitions and logical drives that are

1.6:    over 512 MB in size.

1.7:\e[5;18HDo you want to use large disk (FAT32) support (Y/N)....?


# EXIT SCREEN                                                                #


2.0:You \e[1mMUST\e[22m restart your system for your changes to take effect.

2.1:Any drives you have created or changed must be formatted \e[1mAFTER\e[22m you restart.

2.2:System will now restart

2.3:Press any key when ready . . .


# MAIN MENU                                                                  #


3.0:FDISK Options

3.1:Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive

3.2:Set Active partition

3.3:Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive

3.4:Display partition information

3.5:Display / Modify partition information

3.6:Change current fixed disk drive

3.7:MBR maintenance

3.8:Abort changes and exit


# CREATE PARTITION MENU                                                      #


4.0:Create DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive

4.1:Create Primary DOS Partition

4.2:Create Extended DOS Partition

4.3:Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition


# DELETE PARTITION MENU                                                      #


5.0:Delete DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive

5.1:Delete Primary DOS Partition

5.2:Delete Extended DOS Partition

5.3:Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition

5.4:Delete Non-DOS Partition


# MBR MAINTENANCE MENU (EXTENDED OPTION)                                     #


6.0:MBR Maintenance

6.1:Create BootEasy MBR (disabled)

6.2:Load MBR (partitions and code) from saved file

6.3:Save the MBR (partitions and code) to a file

6.4:Remove boot code from the MBR


# FDISKIO.C                                                                  #


7.0:\nThe hard drive has already been partitioned.\n

7.1:\nThe "boot.mbr" file has not been found.\n

7.3:Error encountered on line %d of the "fdisk.ini" file.\n

7.4:\nError reading sector.\n

7.5:\nSector flagging functions have been disabled.\n

7.6:Creating Drive Smart MBR for disk %d\n


# CMD.C                                                                      #


8.0:\nSyntax Error\n\nProgram Terminated\n

8.1:\nError clearing flag.\n

8.2:\nFlag %d has been cleared.\n

8.3:\nInvalid partition size specified.\n

8.4:\nExtended partition already exists.\n

8.5:\nError creating extended partition.\n

8.7:\nNo usable extended partition found.\n

8.8:\nError creating logical drive.\n

8.10:\nError creating primary partition.\n

8.11:\nprimary partition # (%ld) must be 1..4.\n

8.12:\nNo partition to delete found.\n

8.13:\n%d primary partitions found, you must specify number to delete.\n

8.14:\nError deleting primary partition.\n

8.15:\nError deleting extended partition.\n

8.16:\nLogical drive number %d is out of range.\n

8.17:\nPartition number is out of range.\n

8.18:\nInvalid delete argument.\n

8.19:\nError deleting logical drive.\n

8.20:\nNew partition type is out of range.\n

8.21:\nError modifying partition type.\n

8.22:\nSource partition number is out of range.\n

8.23:\nDestination partition number is out of range.\n

8.24:\nError moving partition slot.\n

8.25:\nInvalid flag number.\n

8.26:\nFlag value is out of range.\n

8.27:\nError setting flag.\n

8.28:\nFlag %d has been set to %d.\n

8.29:Fixed Disk Drive Status

8.30:\nError swapping partitions.\n

8.31:\nFlag %d is set to %d.\n

8.32:\nFlag %d is not set to %d.\n

8.34:\n<%s> should be a digit; terminated\n

8.35:\nmore than one drive specified; terminated\n

8.36:\n<%s> should start with '-' or '/'; terminated\n

8.37:\n<%s> ':' expected; terminated\n

8.38:\n<%s> ',' expected; terminated\n

8.39:\n<%s> expected end of string; terminated\n

8.40:\nInvalid drive designation.\n

8.41:\nAll flags have been cleared.\n


# USERINT0.C, USERINT1.C                                                     #


9.0:Current fixed disk drive:

9.1:Enter choice:

9.2:Choose one of the following:

9.3:sectors, geometry

9.4:No partitions defined.

9.5:\nLargest continuous free space for primary partition = %lu MBytes\n

9.6:\nContents of Extended DOS Partition:\n

9.7:\nLargest continuous free space in extended partition = %lu MBytes\n

9.8:    -------- unusable ---------

9.9:(1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)

# The following are table headers, must stay adjusted as is

9.10:\n\nPartition   Status   Mbytes   System           Usage    Start CHS       End CHS\n

9.11:Drv Volume Label  Mbytes  System          Usage    Start CHS       End CHS\n

9.12:Disk   Drv   Mbytes    Free  Usage

9.13:No space to create a DOS partition.

9.14:Extended DOS Partition already exists.

9.15:Cannot create Logical DOS Drive without\n    an Extended DOS Partition on the current drive.

9.16:No Primary DOS Partition to delete.

9.17:No Extended DOS Partition to delete.

9.18:No Logical DOS Drive(s) to delete.

9.19:No Non-DOS Partition to delete.

9.20:is unusable!

9.21:No partitions to delete.

9.22:\e[1mWARNING!\e[22m No partitions are set active - disk 1 is not startable unless\n    a partition is set active

9.23:  \e[1m%lu\e[22m Mbytes


# USERINT2.C                                                                 #


# Delete logical partition

10.0:Data in the deleted Non-DOS Partition will be lost.\n    What Non-DOS Partition do you want to delete?

10.1:Not a partition!

10.2:Refusing to delete DOS partition!

10.3:Non-DOS Partition deleted.

10.4:Error deleting Non-DOS Partition!

# Display extended partition

10.5:No logical drives defined.

10.6:Total Extended Partition size is %lu Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)

# Display primary partitions

10.7:No partitions defined.

10.8:Total disk space is %lu Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)

# Table headers

10.10:Partition  Status  Type     Volume Label   Mbytes  System          Usage

10.11:Partition   Status   Mbytes  Description      Usage  Start Cyl  End Cyl

10.12:Drv Volume Label  Mbytes System   Usage

# Delete extended partition

10.20:\e[1;5mWARNING!\e[22;25m Data in the deleted Extended DOS Partition and its\n    Logical Partitions will be lost. Continue (Y/N)...?

10.21:Extended DOS Partition deleted

# Delete logical drives

10.30:\e[1;5mWARNING!\e[22;25m Data in a deleted Logical DOS Drive will be lost.\n    What drive do you want to delete...............................?

10.31:Logical drive deleted

10.32:Error deleting logical drive!

# Delete primary partition

10.40:\e[1;5mWARNING!\e[22;25m Data in the deleted Primary DOS Partition will be lost.\n    What primary partition do you want to delete...?

10.41:Primary DOS Partition deleted

10.42:Error deleting primary DOS Partition!

10.43:Refusing to delete extended partition!

10.44:Not a DOS partition!

# Set active partition

10.50:No partitions to make active.

10.51:Enter the number of the partition you want to make active...........:

10.52:%d is not a choice. Please enter a valid choice.

10.53:The only startable partition on Drive %d is already set active.

10.54:Partition %d was activated.

# Create partition

10.60:Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition\n    and make the partition active (Y/N).....................?

10.61:Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition\n    (Y/N)...................................................?

10.62:This drive is a FAT32 by default, switch to FAT16 (Y/N)?

10.63:Maximum space available for partition is \e[1m%lu\e[22m Mbytes

10.64:Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent (%%) of disk space to\n    create a Primary DOS Partition.....:

10.65:Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent (%%) of disk space to\n    create an Extended DOS Partition.....:

10.66:Primary DOS Partition created

10.67:Extended DOS Partition created

# Create logical partition

10.70:Logical DOS Drive created, drive letters changed or added

10.71:Maximum number of Logical DOS Drives installed

10.72:Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent (%%) of\n    extended partition size...:

10.73:All available space in the Extended DOS Partition\n    is assigned to logical drives.

# Display partition info

10.80:The Extended DOS Partition contains Logical DOS Drives.\n    Do you want to display the logical drive information (Y/N)......?

10.81:Optional:  Type the number of the partition to modify.

10.82:Enter the number of the partition you want to modify (1-4)...?

10.83:Display Logical DOS Drive Information

10.84:Enter the character of the logical drive you want to modify...?

# List partition types

10.90:List Partition Types

10.91:Press any key to continue . . .

# Display / modify partition

10.100:Display/Modify Logical Drive Information

10.101:Partition            Mbytes  Type             Usage  Start Cyl  End Cyl

10.102:Change partition type

10.104:Hide / Unhide partition

10.105:Enter new partition type (1-255)...:

10.106:Remove active status

10.190:Enter Fixed Disk Drive Number (1-%d)...:

10.200:Are you sure (Y/N)...?

# Error strings

10.250:Illegal drive letter

11.0:\nUnable to find the \"boot.mbr\" file...MBR has not been loaded.\n

11.1:MBR has been written using \"boot.mbr\"

11.2:MBR has been saved to \"boot.mbr\"

11.3:Boot code has been removed from MBR.


# KBDINPUT.C                                                                 #


20.5:Press \e[1mESC\e[22m to return to FDISK options

20.6:Press \e[1mESC\e[22m to exit FDISK

20.7:Press \e[1mESC\e[22m to continue

20.8:Requested partition size exceeds the maximum available space

20.9:Input entered by user:  %d

20.10:Input:  %d

20.11:Invalid entry, please enter

20.12:is not a choice, please enter

20.13:Invalid entry.


# WARNING SCREENS                                                            #


30.1:You have at least one disk larger than 2,097,152 MB. FDISK can\n    NOT handle partitions exceeding this barrier!\n\n

30.2:    You may proceed but are in risk of data loss, especially if there\n    are already partitions created with other tools exceeding the barrier.\n\n

30.3:    It should be ok if Free FDISK is the only partitioning tool you are\n    using, but we recommend using another disk utility to handle this type\n    of disk.

30.4:Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)...?

30.10:FDISK is currently in cylinder alignment mode, but the\n    extended partition does not start on a cylinder boundary!\n\n

30.11:    While unlikely, this MAY result in compatibility problems.\n\n

30.12:If your system depends on proper cylinder alignment you should\n    consider re-creating the extended partition.

30.13:Create logical drive in non-aligned extended partition...?

30.20:    A non-compatible extended partition layout was detected on\n

30.21:    this disk. The following actions are disabled:\n\n

30.22:      - creating logical drives\n

30.23:      - deleting logical drives\n\n

30.24:    You may re-create the extended partition to enable editing or\n

30.25:    use another disk utility to partition this disk.\n


# GLOBAL STRINGS                                                             #


# Yes-No letters, as used to answer "Yes/No" questions (upper- and lower-case)



250.2:Invalid entry, please enter Y-N

250.3:Press any key to continue




250.250:Fixed Disk Setup Program


# ERROR MESSAGES                                                             #


255.0:\n    Error reading partition tables.

255.1:\n    No fixed disks present.

255.2:\nNo drive number has been entered.

255.3:\nPartition number is out of range (1-4).

255.4:\nCan not activate partition.

255.5:\nError auto-partitioning hard drive.

255.6:\nError clearing MBR sector.

255.7:\nError removing IPL.

255.9:\nError deactivating partition.

255.10:\nError clearing partition table.

255.11:\nError writing IPL.

255.12:\nError installing IPL from file.

255.13:\nError installing MBR from file.

255.14:\nError writing MBR.

255.15:\nError writing partition tables.

255.16:\nError saving MBR.

255.17:\nError writing Smart IPL.

255.18:\nInvalid command or syntax error. Invoke FDISK /? for help.

255.19:\nUnsupported operating system.\n