10,6 → 10,7 |
requires php-zip |
21 feb 2022: buildidx collects categories looking at the dir layout of each package |
17 feb 2022: checking for non-8+3 filenames in packages and duplicates + devload no longer part of CORE |
16 feb 2022: added warning about overlong version strings and wild files location |
15 feb 2022: index is generated as json, contains all filenames and alt versions |
32,7 → 33,7 |
22 sep 2012: forked 1st version from FDUPDATE builder |
*/ |
$PVER = "20220217"; |
$PVER = "20220221"; |
// computes the BSD sum of a file and returns it |
191,6 → 192,9 |
// array used to detect duplicated entries after lower-case conversion |
$duparr = array(); |
// will hold the list of categories that this package belongs to |
$catlist = array(); |
foreach ($listoffiles as $f) { |
$f = strtolower($f); |
$path_array = explode('/', $f); |
211,8 → 215,16 |
if ($f === "appinfo/{$pkgnam}.lsm") continue; |
if ($f === "appinfo/") continue; |
// CORE and MSDOS_COMPAT packages are premium citizens and can do a little more |
if ((array_search($pkgnam, $core_packages_list) !== false) |
|| (array_search($pkgnam, $msdos_compat_list) !== false)) { |
$core_or_msdoscompat = 0; |
if (array_search($pkgnam, $core_packages_list) !== false) { |
$catlist[] = 'core'; |
$core_or_msdoscompat = 1; |
} |
if (array_search($pkgnam, $msdos_compat_list) !== false) { |
$catlist[] = 'msdos_compat'; |
$core_or_msdoscompat = 1; |
} |
if ($core_or_msdoscompat == 1) { |
if (str_head_is($f, 'bin/')) continue; |
if (str_head_is($f, 'cpi/')) continue; |
if (str_head_is($f, "doc/{$pkgdir}/")) continue; |
222,6 → 234,8 |
} |
// the help package is allowed to put files in... help |
if (($pkgnam == 'help') && (str_head_is($f, 'help/'))) continue; |
// must be category-prefixed file, add it to the list of categories for this package |
$catlist[] = explode('/', $f)[0]; |
// well-known "category" dirs are okay |
if (str_head_is($f, "progs/{$pkgdir}/")) continue; |
if ($f === 'progs/') continue; |
236,6 → 250,7 |
$meta['fname'] = $fname; |
$meta['desc'] = $lsmarray['description']; |
$meta['cats'] = array_unique($catlist); |
$pkgdb[$pkgnam][$lsmarray['version']] = $meta; |
} |
242,7 → 257,11 |
$db = array(); |
$cats = array(); |
// ******** compute the version-sorted list of packages with a single ********* |
// ******** description and category list for each package ******************** |
// iterate over each svp package |
foreach ($pkgdb as $pkg => $versions) { |
260,6 → 279,10 |
$meta2['bsum'] = $bsum; |
if (empty($db[$pkg]['desc'])) $db[$pkg]['desc'] = $desc; |
if (empty($db[$pkg]['cats'])) { |
$db[$pkg]['cats'] = $meta['cats']; |
$cats = array_unique(array_merge($cats, $meta['cats'])); |
} |
$db[$pkg]['versions'][$fname] = $meta2; |
} |
292,8 → 315,11 |
echo "\n"; |
} |
file_put_contents($repodir . '/_index.json', json_encode($db)); |
file_put_contents($repodir . '/_index.json', $json_blob); |
$cats_json = json_encode($cats); |
file_put_contents($repodir . '/_cats.json', $cats_json); |
exit(0); |
?> |