Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Svarog386 is a distribution made of many different software bricks, hence a single license can hardly be applied to all. However, the base system (that is Svarog's installer, bootable floppy image and all CORE packages) is carefully assembled from software that is "free" as in "Freedom", ie. that grants the 3 basic FOSS liberties (freedom to use, modify, and redistribute it). This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, software released under following licenses: GNU GPLv2, GNU GPLv3, BSD, MIT, EUPL and Public domain.
Note that, while the above applies to the base of the Svarog386 distribution, it does not cover packages distributed through non-CORE repositores. Such extra software packages may or may not be FOSS, they are only guaranteed to be gratis for non-commercial use. Read more about that in the article "Packages inclusion rules".
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Svarog386 can be kept up to date using online repositories, provided of course that your PC has internet connectivity. The online repositories are configured by default within the configuration file of FDNPKG, hence you shouldn't need to do anything else than making sure FDNPKG is installed on your system. Still, you might want to remove some of them from your configuration if you are not interested in some type of software.
Here below you will find the exhaustive list of Svarog386 online repositories. These repositories are also present on every Svarog386 CD (unless you chose the "micro" version, which comes with core only). Note that each repository is available in two versions: one which contains possible sources, and the other with sources stripped. Use the latter if you don't care about having sources on your disk, and wishes to shorten your download times.
Contains all "core" packages. That is packages that provide the most basic functionality of the Svarog386 operating system (mimicing the functionality of MS-DOS).
Development tools, compilers, assemblers, etc. Useful mostly to deveopers.
Hardware-related drivers. Note that, most of the time, you should rather use the driver that came with your hardware instead.
A variety of text and hex editors.
Emulators and related programs.
Simply games.
Network-related programs. This includes only programs that would be useless if no networking connectivity is present: web browsers, gopher clients, downloaders etc.
File archivers, like zip, arj, gzip, lzma... The list goes on and on.
Sound utilities like sound editors, players, converters...
Mostly system utilities, but also anything that didn't matched any of the other categories.
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Package files provide an easy way to manage software on Svarog386.
*** Package filenames ***
Packages names must follow some basic rules. They shall be max. 8 letters long (but should not be too short either, since a 1 or 2-letters package name might be confusing), and must not be composed of characters other than a-b, 0-9 and '_'. This for backward compatibility with short file names (8+3) and ISO 9660 file systems (used on CDROMs). The package filename is always followed by the .ZIP extension.
*** Package files ***
Svarog386 uses ZIP files as its package file format. This format has been chosen because ZIP files under DOS have become the de facto way to distribute collections of files. Also, the ZIP file format is well documented, well supported, and in the public domain.
Here below is the RECOMENDED command line that can be used to create a package for a program named EXAMPLE using info-zip:
ZIP −9 -r -k EXAMPLE.ZIP subdir1 subdir2 ... subdirN
If you are using 7za to create your packages, then use this:
7za a -mm=deflate -mx=9 -tzip EXAMPLE.ZIP subdir1 subdir2 ... subdirN
Note, that 7za allows to use different compression algorithms. The Svarog386 package manager (FDNPKG) supports two compression methods: Deflate and LZMA. Usually LZMA provides better compression than Deflate, however it is not recommended for general use because LZMA decompression requires much more memory than Deflate. LZMA decompression needs about 24MiB of memory, which is more than the total available memory on most DOS systems. LZMA might be used for specific packages that assume high-end systems (for example: 3D games, etc). In any case, it's always safer to stick with Deflate.
Nevertheless, if you wish to create a package using LZMA, use this:
7za a -mm=lzma -tzip EXAMPLE.ZIP subdir1 subdir2 ... subdirN
*** Package directory structure ***
A package archive includes both binary and source code. The installer can choose to not unpack sources at install time.
The directory structure of a package depends on the type of packages. For "core" packages, we have this:
APPINFO Put the program's LSM file here
BIN Binaries, such as exe and com files
DOC\%PKGNAME% Package documentation
HELP The help files
NLS\%PKGNAME% Localizations (NLS language files) of the package
SOURCE\%PKGNAME% The complete source code
Non-core packages use a slightly different directory organization. For example, if we were to consider a package FOO, we might end up with the following structure:
APPINFO\FOO.LSM Package meta file for the FOO program
PROGS\FOO\FOO.EXE The program's executable
PROGS\FOO\FOO.TXT Some documentation
PROGS\FOO\FILE.DAT Data file used by the FOO program
LINKS\FOO.BAT A "Link" file, see the "links" section for details
SOURCE\FOO\* here would be stored all foo's source files
Note the 'PROGS' directory above. This is a category to which the package belong. The package installer might change this directory at install time, depending on the user's preferences. Possible categories are listed below:
Category | Description
DEVEL | Development tools (mostly compilers)
DRIVERS | Drivers
GAMES | Games
PROGS | User programs, tools...
Note: "DOC", "NLS", "BIN" and "HELP" directories are strictly reserved to "core" packages.
*** Links ***
Many utilities are meant to be used from the command line to work on files. Such tools are often expected to be somewhere in the %PATH%, so one do not need to switch to the directory where the said utility is stored to use it. A good example of such tools are archivers (like zip, unrar...), but there are others, too. For such tools, the package format provides a "linking" provision. A package that wishes to put one or more of its executable in the %PATH%, will have to contain a LINKS directory, and in this directory a batch file for every executable that needs to be linked to %PATH%. The batch file must contain ONLY the path and filename to the target executable (as stored in the zip package). During installation, the package manager will substitute these batch files with proper content.
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Svarog386 is a FreeDOS(tm) distribution that comes with plenty of third-party packages. With time, packages get updated and new packages are being added. However, Svarog386 is not a shareware distribution CD, nor it is a "warez" production of any kind! Every software that is distributed within Svarog386 must comply to a few common sense rules, as listed below.
*** Objective usefulness ***
The distributed software must be useful. There is no point in distributing hundreds of "Hello World" programs for example. The software must be useable as a finished product and provide some features that are proven to be seeked by at least a subset of the user base. Games are considered useful, as long as they fulfill their goal of providing actual distraction.
*** Reasonable quality ***
The packaged program must exhibit traits of reasonable quality. This means that it should have a deterministic behavior, and be free of undesirable side-effects to the user's computer (not crashing, freezing, resulting in unexpected loss of data, etc). It should also provide clear, non-ambiguous instructions to the user about how the program is meant to be used.
*** Free (no cost) ***
The program must be free - that is, available at no financial cost. It doesn't have to comply to an OSI-approved license or be open-source (even if that would be preferred), but at the very least it must be free for personal, non-commercial use.
*** Distribution allowed ***
The program must allow distribution without restrictions, and must not forbid being redistributed in a re-packaged form.
CORE exception
Please note that, while the above rules are valid for all third-party repositories that come with Svarog386, it does not apply to the 'core' repository which contains the operating system itself. Svarog386 being a free (as in "libre") operating system, all "core" packages must comply to a libre-like license - be it GPL, BSD, public domain, or anything that allows for unrestricted distribution, provides source code and allows to modify it freely.
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The recommended way to contact the Svarog386 community is through the usenet newsgroup.
To write on a usenet newsgroup, you either need a usenet (NNTP) reader, or you can rely on a web-based usenet reader. Many web-based usenet readers exist out there. One of the most popular seems to be the one behind Google Groups:!forum/