Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Regard whitespace Rev 437 → Rev 507

67,32 → 67,43
/* outputs a NULL-terminated string to stdout */
void output_internal(const char *s, unsigned short nl) {
void output_internal(const char *s, unsigned char nl) {
const static unsigned char *crlf = "\r\n$";
_asm {
mov ah, 0x02 /* AH=9 - write character in DL to stdout */
mov si, s
cld /* clear DF so lodsb increments SI */
lodsb /* load byte from DS:SI into AL, SI++ */
mov dl, al
or al, 0 /* is al == 0? */
push ds
pop es /* make sure es=ds (scasb uses es) */
/* get length of s into CX */
mov ax, 0x4000 /* ah=DOS "write to file" and AL=0 for NULL matching */
mov dx, s /* set dx to string (required for later) */
mov di, dx /* set di to string (for NULL matching) */
mov cx, 0xffff /* preset cx to 65535 (-1) */
cld /* clear DF so scasb increments DI */
repne scasb /* cmp al, es:[di], inc di, dec cx until match found */
/* CX contains (65535 - strlen(s)) now */
not cx /* reverse all bits so I get (strlen(s) + 1) */
dec cx /* this is CX length */
jz WRITEDONE /* do nothing for empty strings */
/* output by writing to stdout */
/* mov ah, 0x40 */ /* DOS 2+ -- write to file via handle */
mov bx, 1 /* handle 1 is always stdout */
/* mov cx, xxx */ /* write CX bytes */
/* mov dx, s */ /* DS:DX is the source of bytes to "write" */
int 0x21
or nl, 0
/* print out a CR/LF trailer if nl set */
or byte ptr [nl], 0
/* print out a CR/LF trailer if nl set */
mov dl, 0x0D /* CR */
mov ah, 0x09
mov dx, crlf
int 0x21
mov dl, 0x0A /* LF */
int 0x21
void nls_output_internal(unsigned short id, unsigned short nl) {
void nls_output_internal(unsigned short id, unsigned char nl) {
const char *ptr = langblock + 4; /* first 4 bytes are lang id and lang len */
/* find the string id in langblock memory */