Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Regard whitespace Rev 405 → Rev 406

0,0 → 1,139
* rename/ren
static int cmd_rename(struct cmd_funcparam *p) {
char *src = p->BUFFER;
char *dst = p->BUFFER + (BUFFER_SIZE / 4);
char *buff1 = p->BUFFER + (BUFFER_SIZE / 4 * 2);
char *buff2 = p->BUFFER + (BUFFER_SIZE / 4 * 3);
unsigned short i, fnameoffset;
struct DTA *dta = (void *)0x80; /* use default DTA in PSP */
if (cmd_ishlp(p)) {
outputnl("Renames a file or files");
outputnl("RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2");
outputnl("REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2");
outputnl("Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file.");
outputnl("Use MOVE to rename a directory, or to move files from one directory to another.");
/* I expect exactly two arguments */
if (p->argc != 2) {
outputnl("Invalid syntax");
/* convert src to truename format */
i = file_truename(p->argv[0], src);
if (i != 0) {
/* copy src path to buffers and remember where the filename starts */
fnameoffset = 0;
for (i = 0;; i++) {
buff1[i] = src[i];
buff2[i] = src[i];
if (buff1[i] == '\\') fnameoffset = i + 1;
if (buff1[i] == 0) break;
/* now append dst filename to the buffer and validate it: cannot contain backslash, slash or ':' */
for (i = 0;; i++) {
switch (p->argv[1][i]) {
case ':':
case '\\':
case '/':
outputnl("Invalid destination");
buff1[fnameoffset + i] = p->argv[1][i];
if (buff1[fnameoffset + i] == 0) break;
/* apply truename to dest to normalize wildcards into ? chars */
i = file_truename(buff1, dst);
if (i != 0) {
/* we're good to go, src and dst should look somehow like that now:
* src = C:\TEMP\PATH\FILE????.TXT
* dst = C:\TEMP\PATH\FILE????.DOC
* buff1 = C:\TEMP\PATH\
* buff2 = C:\TEMP\PATH\
* fnameoffset = 13
* src is used for FindFirst/FindNext iterations, then buff1 is filled with
* the source filename found by FindFirst/FindNext and buff2 is filled with
* the destination file (with ?'s replaced by whatever is found at the same
* location in buff1).
i = findfirst(dta, src, 0);
if (i != 0) outputnl(doserr(i));
while (i == 0) {
/* write found fname into buff1 and dst fname into buff2 - both in FCB
* format (MYFILE EXT) so it is easy to compare them */
file_fname2fcb(buff1 + fnameoffset, dta->fname);
file_fname2fcb(buff2 + fnameoffset, dst + fnameoffset);
/* scan buff2 fname for '?' and replace them with whatever is in buff1 */
for (i = fnameoffset; buff2[i] != 0; i++) {
if (buff2[i] == '?') buff2[i] = buff1[i];
/* fill buff1 with the 8+3 found file and convert the one in buff2 to 8+3 as well */
file_fcb2fname(buff1 + fnameoffset, buff2 + fnameoffset);
strcpy(buff2 + fnameoffset, buff1 + fnameoffset);
strcpy(buff1 + fnameoffset, dta->fname);
/* buff1 contains now a fully resolved source and buff2 a proper destination */
#if 0 /* DEBUG ("if 1" to enable) */
output(" -> ");
/* call DOS to do the actual job */
i = 0;
_asm {
push ax
push di
push dx
push es
mov ah, 0x56 /* rename file: DS:DX=ASCIIZ of src ES:DI=ASCIIZ of dst */
push ds
pop es
mov dx, buff1
mov di, buff2
int 0x21 /* CF clear on success, otherwise err code in AX */
jnc DONE
mov [i], ax /* copy error code to i */
pop es
pop dx
pop di
pop ax
if (i != 0) {
output(buff1 + fnameoffset);
output(" -> ");
output(buff2 + fnameoffset);
output(" ");
/* next please */
i = findnext(dta);