Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 502 → Rev 528

48,6 → 48,7
struct copy_setup {
const char *src[64];
unsigned short src_count; /* how many sources are declared */
char cursrc[256]; /* buffer for currently processed src */
char dst[256];
unsigned short dstlen;
char src_asciimode[64];
274,11 → 275,11
for (i = 0; i < setup->src_count; i++) {
unsigned short t;
unsigned short databuflen;
unsigned short cursrclen;
unsigned short pathendoffset;
/* resolve truename of src and write it to buffer */
t = file_truename(setup->src[i], setup->databuf);
t = file_truename(setup->src[i], setup->cursrc);
if (t != 0) {
output(" - ");
285,26 → 286,26
databuflen = strlen(setup->databuf); /* remember databuf length */
cursrclen = strlen(setup->cursrc); /* remember cursrc length */
/* if length zero, skip (not sure why this would be possible, though) */
if (databuflen == 0) continue;
if (cursrclen == 0) continue;
/* if src does not end with a backslash AND it is a directory then append a backslash */
databuflen = path_appendbkslash_if_dir(setup->databuf);
cursrclen = path_appendbkslash_if_dir(setup->cursrc);
/* if src ends with a '\' then append *.* */
if (setup->databuf[databuflen - 1] == '\\') {
strcat(setup->databuf, "*.*");
if (setup->cursrc[cursrclen - 1] == '\\') {
strcat(setup->cursrc, "*.*");
/* remember where the path in databuf ends */
for (t = 0; setup->databuf[t] != 0; t++) {
if (setup->databuf[t] == '\\') pathendoffset = t + 1;
/* remember where the path in cursrc ends */
for (t = 0; setup->cursrc[t] != 0; t++) {
if (setup->cursrc[t] == '\\') pathendoffset = t + 1;
/* */
if (findfirst(dta, setup->databuf, 0) != 0) {
if (findfirst(dta, setup->cursrc, 0) != 0) {
313,12 → 314,12
if (dta->attr & DOS_ATTR_DIR) continue; /* skip directories */
/* compute full path/name of the file */
strcpy(setup->databuf + pathendoffset, dta->fname);
strcpy(setup->cursrc + pathendoffset, dta->fname);
/* if there was no destination, then YOU are the destination now!
* this handles situations like COPY a.txt+b.txt+c.txt */
if (setup->dst[0] == NULL) {
strcpy(setup->dst, setup->databuf);
strcpy(setup->dst, setup->cursrc);
setup->dstlen = strlen(setup->dst);
328,12 → 329,12
/* is dst ending with a backslash? then append fname to it */
if (setup->dst[setup->dstlen - 1] == '\\') strcpy(setup->dst + setup->dstlen, dta->fname);
/* now databuf contains the full source and dst contains the full dest... COPY TIME! */
/* now cursrc contains the full source and dst contains the full dest... COPY TIME! */
/* if dst file exists already -> overwrite it or append?
- if dst is a dir (dstlen-1 points at a \\) -> overwrite
- otherwise: if copiedcount_in==0 overwrite, else append */
if ((setup->dst[setup->dstlen - 1] == '\\') || (copiedcount_in == 0)) {
appendflag = 0;
output(" > ");
344,8 → 345,7
// TODO: reusing setup->databuf not good idea: when 2+ files are being copied, the content of the first one overwrites the pathname of the second one!
t = cmd_copy_internal(setup->dst, 0, setup->databuf, 0, appendflag, setup->databuf, setup->databufsz);
t = cmd_copy_internal(setup->dst, 0, setup->cursrc, 0, appendflag, setup->databuf, setup->databufsz);
if (t != 0) {