Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Regard whitespace Rev 348 → Rev 349

0,0 → 1,326
* SvarCOM is a command-line interpreter.
* a little memory area is allocated as high as possible. it contains:
* - a signature (like XMS drivers do)
* - a routine for exec'ing programs
* - a "last command" buffer for input history
* when svarcom starts, it tries locating the routine in memory.
* if found:
* waits for user input and processes it. if execing something is required, set the "next exec" field in routine's memory and quit.
* if not found:
* installs it by creating a new PSP, set int 22 vector to the routine, set my "parent PSP" to the routine
* and quit.
* good lecture about PSP and allocating memory
* PSP structure
* === MCB ===
* each time that DOS allocates memory, it prefixes the allocated memory with
* a 16-bytes structure called a "Memory Control Block" (MCB). This control
* block has the following structure:
* Offset Size Description
* 00h byte 'M' = non-last member of the MCB chain
* 'Z' = indicates last entry in MCB chain
* other values cause "Memory Allocation Failure" on exit
* 01h word PSP segment address of the owner (Process Id)
* possible values:
* 0 = free
* 8 = Allocated by DOS before first user pgm loaded
* other = Process Id/PSP segment address of owner
* 03h word number of paragraphs related to this MCB (excluding MCB)
* 05h 11 bytes reserved
* 10h ... start of actual allocated memory block
#include <i86.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "rmod.h"
struct config {
int locate;
int install;
} cfg;
/* returns segment where rmod is installed */
unsigned short install_routine(void) {
char far *ptr, far *mcb;
unsigned short far *owner;
unsigned int memseg = 0xffff;
_asm {
/* link in the UMB memory chain for enabling high-memory allocation (and save initial status on stack) */
mov ax, 0x5802 /* GET UMB LINK STATE */
int 0x21
xor ah, ah
push ax /* save link state on stack */
mov ax, 0x5803 /* SET UMB LINK STATE */
mov bx, 1
int 0x21
/* get current allocation strategy and save it in DX */
mov ax, 0x5800
int 0x21
push ax
pop dx
/* set strategy to 'last fit, try high then low memory' */
mov ax, 0x5801
mov bx, 0x0082
int 0x21
/* ask for a memory block and save the given segment to memseg */
mov ah, 0x48
mov bx, (rmod_len + 15) / 16
int 0x21
mov memseg, ax
/* restore initial allocation strategy */
mov ax, 0x5801
mov bx, dx
int 0x21
/* restore initial UMB memory link state */
mov ax, 0x5803
pop bx /* pop initial UMB link state from stack */
int 0x21
if (memseg == 0xffff) {
puts("malloc error");
ptr = MK_FP(memseg, 0);
mcb = MK_FP(memseg - 1, 0);
owner = (void far *)(mcb + 1);
_fmemcpy(ptr, rmod, rmod_len);
printf("MCB sig: %c\r\nMCB owner: 0x%04X\r\n", mcb[0], *owner);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
printf("%02x ", mcb[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
if (mcb[i] > ' ') {
printf(" %c ", mcb[i]);
} else {
printf(" . ", mcb[i]);
/* mark memory as "self owned" */
*owner = memseg;
_fmemcpy(mcb + 8, "COMMAND", 8);
static void parse_argv(struct config *cfg, int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg));
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "/locate") == 0) {
cfg->locate = 1;
/* scan memory for my shared buffer, return segment of buffer */
static unsigned short find_shm(void) {
unsigned short i;
unsigned short far *pattern;
/* iterate over all paragraphs, looking for my signature */
for (i = 0; i != 65535; i++) {
pattern = MK_FP(i, 0);
if (pattern[1] != 0x1983) continue;
if (pattern[2] != 0x1985) continue;
if (pattern[3] != 0x2017) continue;
if (pattern[4] != 0x2019) continue;
static int explode_progparams(char *s, char const **argvlist) {
int si = 0, argc = 0;
for (;;) {
/* skip to next non-space character */
while (s[si] == ' ') si++;
/* end of string? */
if (s[si] == '\r') break;
/* set argv ptr */
argvlist[argc++] = s + si;
/* find next space */
while (s[si] != ' ' && s[si] != '\r') si++;
/* is this end of string? */
if (s[si] == '\r') {
s[si] = 0;
/* not end: terminate arg and look for next one */
s[si++] = 0;
/* terminate argvlist with a NULL value */
argvlist[argc] = NULL;
static void cmd_set(int argc, char const **argv, unsigned short env_seg) {
char far *env = MK_FP(env_seg, 0);
char buff[256];
int i;
while (*env != 0) {
/* copy string to local buff for display */
for (i = 0;; i++) {
buff[i] = *env;
if (buff[i] == 0) break;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct config cfg;
unsigned short env_seg = 0, rmod_seg, rmod_buff = 0;
void far *rmod_func;
parse_argv(&cfg, argc, argv);
rmod_seg = find_shm();
if (rmod_seg == 0xffff) {
rmod_seg = install_routine();
if (rmod_seg == 0xffff) {
puts("ERROR: install_rmod() failed");
} else {
printf("rmod installed at seg 0x%04X\r\n", rmod_seg);
} else {
printf("rmod found at seg 0x%04x\r\n", rmod_seg);
rmod_func = MK_FP(rmod_seg, 0x0A);
/* fetch offset of buffer (result in AX) */
_asm {
call dword ptr [rmod_func]
mov rmod_buff, ax
printf("rmod_buff at %04X:%04X\r\n", rmod_seg, rmod_buff);
_asm {
/* set the int22 handler in my PSP to rmod so DOS jumps to rmod after I terminate */
mov bx, 0x0a
xor ax, ax
mov [bx], ax
mov ax, rmod_seg
mov [bx+2], ax
/* get the segment of my environment */
mov bx, 0x2c
mov ax, [bx]
mov env_seg, ax
printf("env_seg at %04X\r\n", env_seg);
for (;;) {
int i, argcount;
char far *cmdline = MK_FP(rmod_seg, rmod_buff + 2);
char path[256] = "C:\\>$";
char const *argvlist[256];
union REGS r;
/* print shell prompt */
r.h.ah = 0x09;
r.x.dx = FP_OFF(path);
intdos(&r, &r);
/* wait for user input */
_asm {
push ds
/* is DOSKEY support present? (INT 2Fh, AX=4800h, returns non-zero in AL if present) */
mov ax, 0x4800
int 0x2f
mov bl, al /* save doskey status in BL */
/* set up buffered input */
mov ax, rmod_seg
push ax
pop ds
mov dx, rmod_buff
/* execute either DOS input or DOSKEY */
test bl, bl /* zf set if no DOSKEY present */
mov ah, 0x0a
int 0x21
jmp short DONE
mov ax, 0x4810
int 0x2f
pop ds
/* if nothing entered, loop again */
if (cmdline[-1] == 0) continue;
/* copy buffer to a near var (incl. trailing CR) */
_fmemcpy(path, cmdline, cmdline[-1] + 1);
argcount = explode_progparams(path, argvlist);
/* if nothing args found (eg. all-spaces), loop again */
if (argcount == 0) continue;
printf("got %u bytes of cmdline (%d args)\r\n", cmdline[-1], argcount);
for (i = 0; i < argcount; i++) {
printf("arg #%d = '%s'\r\n", i, argvlist[i]);
/* TODO is it an internal command? */
if (strcmp(argvlist[0], "set") == 0) {
cmd_set(argcount, argvlist, env_seg);
execvp(argvlist[0], argvlist);
/* execvp() replaces the current process by the new one
if I am still alive then external command failed to execute */
puts("Bad command or file name");