Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Problem with comparison.

Ignore whitespace Rev HEAD → Rev 369

0,0 → 1,101
* chdir
* displays the name of or changes the current directory.
* CHDIR [drive:][path]
* CD..
* Type CD drive: to display the current directory in the specified drive.
* Type CD without parameters to display the current drive and directory.
static int cmd_cd(const struct cmd_funcparam *p) {
/* two arguments max */
if (p->argc > 1) {
outputnl("Too many parameters");
/* no argument? display current drive and dir ("CWD") */
if (p->argc == 0) {
char buff[64];
char *buffptr = buff;
_asm {
push ax
push dx
push si
mov ah, 0x19 /* get current default drive */
int 0x21 /* al = drive (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) */
add al, 'A'
/* print drive to stdout */
mov dl, al
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x21
mov dl, ':'
int 0x21
mov dl, '\'
int 0x21
/* get current dir */
mov ah, 0x47
xor dl, dl /* select drive (0 = current drive) */
mov si, buffptr /* 64-byte buffer for ASCIZ pathname */
int 0x21
pop si
pop dx
pop ax
/* argument can be either a drive (D:) or a path */
if (p->argc == 1) {
const char *arg = p->argv[0];
unsigned short err = 0;
/* drive (CD B:) */
if ((arg[0] != '\\') && (arg[1] == ':') && (arg[2] == 0)) {
char buff[64];
char *buffptr = buff;
unsigned char drive = arg[0];
if (drive >= 'a') {
drive -= 'a';
} else {
drive -= 'A';
drive++; /* A: = 1, B: = 2, etc*/
_asm {
push si
push ax
push dx
mov ah, 0x47 /* get current directory */
mov dl, [drive] /* A: = 1, B: = 2, etc */
mov si, buffptr
int 0x21
jnc DONE
mov [err], ax
pop dx
pop ax
pop si
if (err == 0) printf("%c:\\%s\r\n", drive + 'A' - 1, buff);
} else { /* path */
_asm {
push dx
push ax
mov ah, 0x3B /* CHDIR (set current directory) */
mov dx, arg
int 0x21
jnc DONE
mov [err], ax
pop ax
pop dx
if (err != 0) {