Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 528 → Rev 527

99,15 → 99,6
static void dir_pagination(unsigned short *availrows) {
*availrows -= 1;
if (*availrows == 0) {
*availrows = screen_getheight() - 1;
static int cmd_dir(struct cmd_funcparam *p) {
const char *filespecptr = NULL;
struct DTA *dta = (void *)0x80; /* set DTA to its default location at 80h in PSP */
216,8 → 207,6
if (filespecptr == NULL) filespecptr = ".";
availrows = screen_getheight() - 2;
/* special case: "DIR drive:" (truename() fails on "C:" under MS-DOS 6.0) */
if ((filespecptr[0] != 0) && (filespecptr[1] == ':') && (filespecptr[2] == 0)) {
if ((filespecptr[0] >= 'a') && (filespecptr[0] <= 'z')) {
247,7 → 236,6
for (i = 0; buff2[i] != 0; i++) if (buff2[i] == '?') buff2[i] = 0;
availrows -= 3;
/* if dir: append a backslash (also get its len) */
262,6 → 250,7
availrows = screen_getheight();
wcolcount = 0; /* may be used for columns counting with wide mode */
do {
317,8 → 306,6
if (++wcolcount == wcols) {
wcolcount = 0;
} else {
availrows++; /* wide mode is the only one that does not write one line per file */
327,14 → 314,14
if (flags & DIR_FLAG_PAUSE) dir_pagination(&availrows);
if ((flags & DIR_FLAG_PAUSE) && (--availrows < 2)) {
availrows = screen_getheight();
} while (findnext(dta) == 0);
if (wcolcount != 0) {
outputnl(""); /* in wide mode make sure to end on a clear row */
if (flags & DIR_FLAG_PAUSE) dir_pagination(&availrows);
if (wcolcount != 0) outputnl(""); /* in wide mode make sure to end on a clear row */
/* print out summary (unless bare output mode) */
if (format != DIR_OUTPUT_BARE) {
349,7 → 336,6
output(buff2 + i);
output(" ");
if (flags & DIR_FLAG_PAUSE) dir_pagination(&availrows);
/* xxxx bytes free */
i = cmd_dir_df(&summary_totsz, drv);
if (i != 0) outputnl(doserr(i));
359,7 → 345,6
output(buff2 + i);
output(" ");
outputnl("bytes free");
if (flags & DIR_FLAG_PAUSE) dir_pagination(&availrows);
6,7 → 6,6
=== ver 2021.1 (xxxx.xx.xx) ==================================================
- prompt fixed when current drive becomes invalid (eg. empty diskette drive)
- DIR: fixed /P pagination in wide mode
=== ver 2021.0 (2021.11.24) ==================================================