Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Regard whitespace Rev 336 → Rev 338

34,17 → 34,17
#include "net.h"
#define PVER "20210514"
#define PVER "20210520"
#define PDATE "2021"
#define HOSTADDR ""
/* strips http headers and returns new buff len */
static int detecthttpheadersend(unsigned char *buff, int len) {
static char lastbyteislf = 0; /* static because I must potentially remember it for next packet/call */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
/* returns length of all http headers, or 0 if uncomplete yet */
static unsigned short detecthttpheadersend(const unsigned char *buff) {
char lastbyteislf = 0;
unsigned short i;
for (i = 0; buff[i] != 0; i++) {
if (buff[i] == '\r') continue; /* ignore CR characters */
if (buff[i] != '\n') {
lastbyteislf = 0;
55,11 → 55,8
lastbyteislf = 1;
/* end of headers! rewind the buffer and return new len */
i += 1; /* add 1 to skip the current \n character */
len -= i;
if (len > 0) memmove(buff, buff + i, len + 1); /* +1 so I catch the string terminator as well */
/* end of headers! return length of headers */
return(i + 1); /* add 1 to skip the current \n character */
107,6 → 104,46
static int htget_headers(unsigned char *buffer, size_t buffersz, struct net_tcpsocket *sock, int *httpcode) {
unsigned char *buffptr = buffer;
unsigned short bufflen = 0;
int byteread;
time_t starttime = time(NULL);
for (;;) {
byteread = net_recv(sock, buffptr, buffersz - (bufflen + 1)); /* -1 because I will append a NULL terminator */
if (byteread > 0) { /* got data */
int hdlen;
bufflen += byteread;
buffptr += byteread;
buffer[bufflen] = 0;
hdlen = detecthttpheadersend(buffer);
if (hdlen > 0) { /* full headers - parse http code and continue processing */
int spc;
/* find the first space (HTTP/1.1 200 OK) */
for (spc = 0; spc < 16; spc++) {
if (buffer[spc] == ' ') break;
if (buffer[spc] == 0) break;
if (buffer[spc] != ' ') return(-1);
*httpcode = atoi((char *)(buffer + spc + 1));
/* rewind the buffer */
bufflen -= hdlen;
memmove(buffer, buffer + hdlen, bufflen);
return(bufflen); /* move to body processing now */
} else if (byteread < 0) { /* abort on error */
return(-2); /* unexpected end of connection (while waiting for all http headers) */
} else { /* else no data received - look for timeout and release a cpu cycle */
if (time(NULL) - starttime > 20) return(-3); /* TIMEOUT! */
_asm int 28h; /* release a CPU cycle */
/* fetch http data from ipaddr using url
* write result to file outfname if not null, or print to stdout otherwise
* fills bsum with the BSD sum of the data
115,8 → 152,8
struct net_tcpsocket *sock;
unsigned char buffer[4096];
time_t lastactivity, lastprogressoutput = 0;
int headersdone = 0;
int httpcode = -1;
int byteread;
long flen = 0, lastflen = 0;
FILE *fd = NULL;
145,43 → 182,17
lastactivity = time(NULL);
for (;;) {
int byteread = net_recv(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1); /* -1 because I will append a NULL terminator */
/* receive and process HTTP headers */
byteread = htget_headers(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sock, &httpcode);
if (byteread < 0) break; /* end of connection */
/* */
if (byteread == 0) {
if (time(NULL) - lastactivity > 20) { /* TIMEOUT! */
puts("ERROR: Timeout while waiting for data");
/* transmission error? */
if (byteread < 0) {
printf("ERROR: communication error (%d)", byteread);
/* waiting for packets - release a CPU cycle in the meantime */
_asm int 28h;
/* */
if (byteread > 0) {
buffer[byteread] = 0;
lastactivity = time(NULL);
/* are headers done already? */
if (headersdone == 0) {
if (httpcode < 0) { /* do I know the http code yet? */
int spc;
/* find the first space (HTTP/1.1 200 OK) */
for (spc = 0; spc < 16; spc++) {
if (buffer[spc] == ' ') break;
if (buffer[spc] == 0) break;
if (buffer[spc] == 0) continue; /* not enough data received */
if (buffer[spc] != ' ') {
puts("ERROR: server answered with invalid HTTP");
httpcode = atoi((char *)(buffer + spc + 1));
/* on error, the answer should be always printed on screen */
/* open destination file if required and if no server-side error occured */
if ((httpcode == 200) && (*outfname != 0)) {
fd = fopen(outfname, "wb");
if (fd == NULL) {
190,12 → 201,14
/* skip headers: look for \r\n\r\n or \n\n within the stream */
byteread = detecthttpheadersend(buffer, byteread);
headersdone = 1; /* assumes ALL headers are contained in the first packet TODO FIXME */
if (byteread == 0) continue;
/* read body of the answer */
lastactivity = time(NULL);
for (;; byteread = net_recv(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) { /* read 1 byte less because I need to append a NULL terminator */
if (byteread > 0) { /* got data */
buffer[byteread] = 0;
lastactivity = time(NULL);
/* if downloading to file, write stuff to disk */
if (fd != NULL) {
int i;
223,14 → 236,29
} else { /* otherwise dump to screen */
printf("%s", buffer);
} else if (byteread < 0) { /* end of connection */
} else { /* check for timeout (byteread == 0) */
if (time(NULL) - lastactivity > 20) { /* TIMEOUT! */
puts("ERROR: Timeout while waiting for data");
/* waiting for packets - release a CPU cycle in the meantime */
_asm int 28h;
flen = -1;
if (fd != NULL) fclose(fd);
1,3 → 1,3
version: 20210514
version: 20210520
description: pulls packages from the internet SvarDOS repository
license: MIT