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Ignore whitespace Rev 219 → Rev 223

17,9 → 17,6
#include "crc32.h"
#include "kprintf.h"
#include "parsecmd.h"
#ifndef NOLZMA
#include "lzmadec.h" /* LZMA support */
#include "inf.h" /* DEFLATE support */
#include "version.h"
54,23 → 51,6
#ifndef NOLZMA
/* this is a wrapper on malloc(), used as a callback by lzmadec */
static void *SzAlloc(void *p, size_t size) {
p = p; /* for gcc to not complain */
if (size == 0) return(0);
/* this is a wrapper on free(), used as a callback by lzmadec */
static void SzFree(void *p, void *address) {
p = p; /* for gcc to not complain */
/* opens a zip file and provides the list of files in the archive.
returns a pointer to a ziplist (linked list) with all records, or NULL on error.
The ziplist is allocated automatically, and must be freed via zip_freelist. */
198,9 → 178,6
switch (curzipnode->compmethod) {
case 0: /* stored */
case 8: /* deflated */
#ifndef NOLZMA
case 14: /* lzma */
default: /* unsupported compression method, sorry */
242,84 → 219,6
} else if (curzipnode->compmethod == 8) { /* if the file is deflated, inflate it */
extract_res = inf(zipfd, filefd, buff, &cksum, curzipnode->compressedfilelen);
#ifndef NOLZMA
} else if (curzipnode->compmethod == 14) { /* LZMA */
#define lzmaoutbufflen 32768u
long bytesread, bytesreadtotal = 0, byteswritetotal = 0;
SizeT buffoutreslen;
ISzAlloc g_alloc;
ELzmaStatus lzmastatus;
SRes lzmaresult;
CLzmaDec lzmahandle;
unsigned char lzmahdr[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE]; /* 5 bytes of properties */
unsigned char *lzmaoutbuff;
extract_res = -5; /* assume we will fail. if we don't - then we will update this flag */
lzmaoutbuff = malloc(lzmaoutbufflen);
if (lzmaoutbuff == NULL) {
fclose(filefd); /* close the dst file */
fread(lzmahdr, 4, 1, zipfd); /* load the 4 bytes long 'zip-lzma header */
bytesreadtotal = 4; /* remember we read 4 bytes already */
/* lzma properties should be exactly 5 bytes long. If it's not, it's either not valid lzma, or some version that wasn't existing yet when I wrote these words. Also, check that the lzma content is at least 9 bytes long and that our previous malloc() calls suceeded. */
if ((lzmahdr[2] == 5) && (lzmahdr[3] == 0) && (curzipnode->compressedfilelen >= 9)) {
extract_res = 0; /* since we got so far, let's assume we will succeed now */
g_alloc.Alloc = SzAlloc; /* these will be used as callbacks by lzma to manage memory */
g_alloc.Free = SzFree;
fread(lzmahdr, sizeof(lzmahdr), 1, zipfd); /* load the lzma header */
bytesreadtotal += sizeof(lzmahdr);
/* Note, that in a 'normal' lzma stream we would have now 8 bytes with the uncompressed length of the file. Here we don't. ZIP cut this information out, since it stores it already in its own header. */
memset(&lzmahandle, 0, sizeof(lzmahandle)); /* reset the whole lzmahandle structure - not doing this leads to CRASHES!!! */
lzmaresult = LzmaDec_Allocate(&lzmahandle, lzmahdr, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, &g_alloc); /* forget not to LzmaDec_Free() later! */
if (lzmaresult != 0) extract_res = -13;
while (extract_res == 0) {
bytesread = buffsize;
if (bytesread > curzipnode->compressedfilelen - bytesreadtotal) bytesread = curzipnode->compressedfilelen - bytesreadtotal;
buffoutreslen = lzmaoutbufflen;
/* printf("Will read %d bytes from input stream\n", bytesread); */
fread(buff, bytesread, 1, zipfd); /* read stuff from input stream */
fseek(zipfd, 0 - bytesread, SEEK_CUR); /* get back to the position at the start of our chunk of data */
lzmaresult = LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(&lzmahandle, lzmaoutbuff, &buffoutreslen, buff, (SizeT *)&bytesread, LZMA_FINISH_ANY, &lzmastatus);
bytesreadtotal += bytesread;
/* printf("expanded %ld bytes into %ld (total read: %ld bytes)\n", (long)bytesread, (long)buffoutreslen, (long)bytesreadtotal); */
fseek(zipfd, bytesread, SEEK_CUR); /* go forward to the position next to the input we processed */
if (lzmaresult != SZ_OK) {
extract_res = -20;
if (lzmaresult == SZ_ERROR_DATA) extract_res = -21; /* DATA ERROR */
if (lzmaresult == SZ_ERROR_MEM) extract_res = -22; /* MEMORY ALLOC ERROR */
if (lzmaresult == SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) extract_res = -23; /* UNSUPPORTED PROPERTY */
if (lzmaresult == SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF) extract_res = -24; /* NEED MORE INPUT */
/* check that we haven't got TOO MUCH decompressed data, and trim if necessary. It happens that LZMA provides a few bytes more than it should at the end of the stream. */
if (byteswritetotal + (long)buffoutreslen > curzipnode->filelen) {
buffoutreslen = curzipnode->filelen - byteswritetotal;
byteswritetotal += buffoutreslen;
fwrite(lzmaoutbuff, buffoutreslen, 1, filefd); /* write stuff to output file */
crc32_feed(&cksum, lzmaoutbuff, buffoutreslen);
/* if (lzmastatus == LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK) puts("lzma says we are done!"); */
if ((lzmastatus == LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK) || (bytesreadtotal >= curzipnode->compressedfilelen)) {
extract_res = 0; /* looks like we succeeded! */
LzmaDec_Free(&lzmahandle, &g_alloc); /* this will free all the stuff we allocated via LzmaDec_Allocate() */
/* printf("Processed %d bytes of input into %d bytes of output. CRC32: %08lX\n", bytesreadtotal, byteswritetotal, crc32); */
/* clean up memory, close the dst file and terminates crc32 */