Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 396 → Rev 397

0,0 → 1,181
#include <i86.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "env.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "rmod.h"
#include "rmodinit.h"
/* returns segment where rmod is installed */
unsigned short rmod_install(unsigned short envsize) {
char far *myptr, far *mcb;
unsigned short far *owner;
unsigned int rmodseg = 0xffff;
unsigned int envseg = 0;
/* read my current env segment from PSP */
_asm {
push ax
push bx
mov bx, 0x2c
mov ax, [bx]
mov envseg, ax
pop bx
pop ax
/* printf("original (PSP) env buffer at %04X\r\n", envseg); */
/* if custom envsize requested, convert it to number of paragraphs */
if (envsize != 0) {
envsize += 15;
envsize /= 16;
_asm {
/* link in the UMB memory chain for enabling high-memory allocation (and save initial status on stack) */
mov ax, 0x5802 /* GET UMB LINK STATE */
int 0x21
xor ah, ah
push ax /* save link state on stack */
mov ax, 0x5803 /* SET UMB LINK STATE */
mov bx, 1
int 0x21
/* get current allocation strategy and save it in DX */
mov ax, 0x5800
int 0x21
push ax
pop dx
/* set strategy to 'last fit, try high then low memory' */
mov ax, 0x5801
mov bx, 0x0082
int 0x21
/* ask for a memory block and save the given segment to rmodseg */
mov ah, 0x48
mov bx, (rmod_len + 15) / 16
int 0x21
mov rmodseg, ax
/* ask for a memory block for the environment and save it to envseg (only if custom size requested) */
mov bx, envsize
test bx, bx
mov ah, 0x48
int 0x21
mov envseg, ax
/* restore initial allocation strategy */
mov ax, 0x5801
mov bx, dx
int 0x21
/* restore initial UMB memory link state */
mov ax, 0x5803
pop bx /* pop initial UMB link state from stack */
int 0x21
if (rmodseg == 0xffff) {
outputnl("malloc error");
/* copy rmod to its destination */
myptr = MK_FP(rmodseg, 0);
_fmemcpy(myptr, rmod, rmod_len);
/* mark rmod memory as "self owned" */
mcb = MK_FP(rmodseg - 1, 0);
owner = (void far *)(mcb + 1);
*owner = rmodseg;
_fmemcpy(mcb + 8, "SVARCOM", 8);
/* mark env memory as "self owned" */
mcb = MK_FP(envseg - 1, 0);
owner = (void far *)(mcb + 1);
*owner = rmodseg;
_fmemcpy(mcb + 8, "SVARENV", 8);
/* write env segment to rmod buffer */
owner = MK_FP(rmodseg, RMOD_OFFSET_ENVSEG);
*owner = envseg;
/* write boot drive to rmod bootdrive field */
_asm {
push ax
push bx
push dx
push ds
mov ax, 0x3305 /* DOS 4.0+ - GET BOOT DRIVE */
int 0x21 /* boot drive is in DL now (1=A:, 2=B:, etc) */
add dl, 'A'-1 /* convert to a proper ASCII letter */
/* set DS to rmodseg */
mov ax, rmodseg
mov ds, ax
/* write boot drive to rmod bootdrive field */
mov [bx], dl
pop ds
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
/* set the int22 handler in my PSP to rmod so DOS jumps to rmod after I terminate */
_asm {
push ax
push bx
mov bx, 0x0a /* int22 handler is at 0x0A of the PSP */
mov [bx], ax /* int handler offset */
mov ax, rmodseg
mov [bx+2], ax /* int handler segment */
pop bx
pop ax
/* scan memory for rmod, returns its segment if found, 0xffff otherwise */
unsigned short rmod_find(void) {
unsigned short i;
unsigned short far *ptrword;
unsigned char far *ptrbyte;
/* iterate over all paragraphs, looking for my signature */
for (i = 1; i != 65535; i++) {
ptrword = MK_FP(i, 0);
if (ptrword[0] != 0x1983) continue;
if (ptrword[1] != 0x1985) continue;
if (ptrword[2] != 0x2017) continue;
if (ptrword[3] != 0x2019) continue;
/* extra check: make sure the paragraph before is an MCB block and that it
* belongs to itself. otherwise I could find the rmod code embedded inside
* the binary... */
ptrbyte = MK_FP(i - 1, 0);
if ((*ptrbyte != 'M') && (*ptrbyte != 'Z')) continue; /* not an MCB */
ptrword = MK_FP(i - 1, 1);
if (*ptrword != i) continue; /* not belonging to self */
/* update rmod's pointer to comspec */
void rmod_updatecomspecptr(unsigned short rmod_seg, unsigned short env_seg) {
unsigned short far *comspecptr = MK_FP(rmod_seg, RMOD_OFFSET_COMSPECPTR);
char far *comspecfp = env_lookup(env_seg, "COMSPEC");
if (comspecfp != NULL) {
*comspecptr = FP_OFF(comspecfp) + 8; /* +8 to skip the "COMSPEC=" prefix */
} else {
*comspecptr = 0;