Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 982 → Rev 983

803,14 → 803,6
/* make COMPSEC point to myself */
/* {
unsigned short envsiz;
unsigned short far *sizptr = MK_FP(*rmod_envseg - 1, 3);
envsiz = *sizptr;
envsiz *= 16;
printf("rmod_inpbuff at %04X:%04X, env_seg at %04X:0000 (env_size = %u bytes)\r\n", rmod->rmodseg, RMOD_OFFSET_INPBUFF, *rmod_envseg, envsiz);
/* on /P check for the presence of AUTOEXEC.BAT and execute it if found,
* but skip this check if /D was also passed */
877,14 → 869,26
/* skip the @ prefix if present, it is no longer useful */
if (cmdline[0] == '@') cmdline++;
} else {
unsigned char far *rmod_inputbuf = MK_FP(rmod->rmodseg, RMOD_OFFSET_INPUTBUF);
unsigned short far *rmod_stacksig = MK_FP(rmod->rmodseg, RMOD_OFFSET_STACKSIG);
/* invalidate input history if it appears to be damaged (could occur
* because of a stack overflow, for example if some stack-hungry TSR is
* being used) */
if (*rmod_stacksig != 0xCAFE) {
*rmod_stacksig = 0xCAFE;
rmod_inputbuf[0] = 128; /* max allowed input length */
rmod_inputbuf[1] = 0;
rmod_inputbuf[2] = '\r';
/* interactive mode: display prompt (if echo enabled) and wait for user
* command line */
if (rmod->flags & FLAG_ECHOFLAG) build_and_display_prompt(BUFFER, *rmod_envseg);
/* collect user input */
cmdline_getinput(FP_SEG(rmod->inputbuf), FP_OFF(rmod->inputbuf));
cmdline_getinput(rmod->rmodseg, RMOD_OFFSET_INPUTBUF);
/* copy it to local cmdline */
if (rmod->inputbuf[1] != 0) _fmemcpy(cmdline, rmod->inputbuf + 2, rmod->inputbuf[1]);
cmdline[(unsigned)(rmod->inputbuf[1])] = 0; /* zero-terminate local buff (oriignal is '\r'-terminated) */
if (rmod_inputbuf[1] != 0) _fmemcpy(cmdline, rmod_inputbuf + 2, rmod_inputbuf[1]);
cmdline[rmod_inputbuf[1]] = 0; /* zero-terminate local buff (original is '\r'-terminated) */
/* if nothing entered, loop again (but without appending an extra CR/LF) */
10,8 → 10,8
- DOS errors are output to stdout, and also to stderr if stdout is redirected
- fixed batch processing with /C (was executing only first command)
- multi-lang support relies on SvarLANG.lib instead of its own routines
- transient shell follows the int23h vector to locate RMOD (this is a
workaround so SvarCOM works even when the LINK/LN TSR is loaded)
- stack overflow detection degrades gracefully by invalidating command-line
history (useful if a stack-hungry TSR overflows the RMOD stack)
=== ver 2022.0 (01.02.2022) ==================================================
19,8 → 19,20
SIG1 dw 0x1983 ; +0
SIG2 dw 0x1985 ; +2
SIG3 dw 0x2017 ; +4
SIG4 dw 0x2019 ; +6 this acts also as a guardval to detect stack overflows
SIG4 dw 0x2019 ; +6 acts also as a guardval to detect severe stack overflows
; Buffer used to remember previous command, when SvarCOM calls the buffered
; input service at INT 21h,AH=0x0A.
; This buffer is right before the stack, so in case of a stack overflow event
; (for example because of a "too ambitious" TSR) only this buffer is damaged,
; and can be invalidated without much harm.
INPUTBUF: times 130 db 0
; This stack sig is a guardian value that is checked by the transient part of
; SvarCOM to detect possible stack overflows. If a stack overflow occurs, then
; the INPUTBUFF area above is invalidated and stack signature reverted.
; DOS int 21h functions that I use require at least 40 bytes of stack under
; DOS-C (FreeDOS) kernel, so here I reserve 64 bytes juste to be sure
147,11 → 147,16
pop ax
/* mark the input buffer as empty */
myptr = MK_FP(rmodseg, RMOD_OFFSET_INPUTBUF);
myptr[0] = 128;
myptr[1] = 0;
myptr[2] = '\r';
/* prepare result (rmod props) */
res = MK_FP(rmodseg, 0x100 + rmodcore_len);
_fmemset(res, 0, sizeof(*res)); /* zero out */
res->rmodseg = rmodseg; /* rmod segment */
res->inputbuf[0] = 128; /* input buffer for INT 0x21, AH=0Ah*/
res->origenvseg = origenvseg; /* original environment segment */
/* write env segment to rmod's PSP */
196,13 → 201,9
/* look up my parent: if it's rmod then return a ptr to its props struct,
* otherwise return NULL
* since RMOD sets itself as the CTRL+BREAK handler, I look at the int23
* field of the PSP to locate it. Previously I was looking at PSP[Ch] (ie.
* "terminate address" but this was failing when using the LINK/LN TSR that
* intercepts DOS EXEC calls and sets itself as the parent of all launched
* applications */
* I look at PSP[Ch] to locate RMOD (ie. the "terminate address") */
struct rmod_props far *rmod_find(unsigned short rmodcore_len) {
unsigned short *parent = (void *)0x10; /* look in PSP[10h] ("prev. int23 handler") */
unsigned short *parent = (void *)0x0C;
unsigned short far *ptr;
const unsigned short sig[] = {0x1983, 0x1985, 0x2017, 0x2019};
unsigned char *cmdtail = (void *)0x80;
41,7 → 41,6
struct rmod_props {
char inputbuf[130]; /* input buffer for INT 21, AH=0x0A */
unsigned short rmodseg; /* segment where rmod is loaded */
unsigned long origparent; /* original parent (far ptr) of the shell */
unsigned short origenvseg; /* original environment segment */
52,17 → 51,19
#define RMOD_OFFSET_ENVSEG 0x2C /* stored in rmod's PSP */
#define RMOD_OFFSET_COMSPECPTR (0x100 + 0x4A)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_BOOTDRIVE (0x100 + 0x4C)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_LEXITCODE (0x100 + 0x5B)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_EXECPARAM (0x100 + 0x5C)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_EXECPROG (0x100 + 0x6A)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDINFILE (0x100 + 0xEA)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDOUTFILE (0x100 + 0x16A)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDOUTAPP (0x100 + 0x1EA)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDIN_DEL (0x100 + 0x1EC)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_BRKHANDLER (0x100 + 0x1ED)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_ROUTINE (0x100 + 0x1EF)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_INPUTBUF (0x100 + 0x08)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STACKSIG (0x100 + 0x8A) /* 0xCAFE */
#define RMOD_OFFSET_COMSPECPTR (0x100 + 0xCE)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_BOOTDRIVE (0x100 + 0xD0)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_LEXITCODE (0x100 + 0xDF)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_EXECPARAM (0x100 + 0xE0)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_EXECPROG (0x100 + 0xEE)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDINFILE (0x100 + 0x16A)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDOUTFILE (0x100 + 0x1EE)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDOUTAPP (0x100 + 0x26E)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_STDIN_DEL (0x100 + 0x270)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_BRKHANDLER (0x100 + 0x271)
#define RMOD_OFFSET_ROUTINE (0x100 + 0x273)
struct rmod_props far *rmod_install(unsigned short envsize, unsigned char *rmodcore, unsigned short rmodcore_len);
struct rmod_props far *rmod_find(unsigned short rmodcore_len);