Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 967 → Rev 968

30,16 → 30,14
#include <stdio.h> /* sprintf() */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy() */
#include "svarlang.lib\svarlang.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "helpers.h"
/* supplied through DEFLANG.C */
extern char svarlang_mem[];
extern const unsigned short svarlang_memsz;
/* case-insensitive comparison of strings, compares up to maxlen characters.
* returns non-zero on equality. */
int imatchlim(const char *s1, const char *s2, unsigned short maxlen) {
110,22 → 108,9
static const char *nlsblock_findstr(unsigned short id) {
const char *ptr = svarlang_mem;
/* find the string id in langblock memory */
for (;;) {
if (((unsigned short *)ptr)[0] == id) {
return(ptr + 4);
if (ptr[2] == 0) return(NULL);
ptr += ((unsigned short *)ptr)[1] + 4;
void nls_output_internal(unsigned short id, unsigned char nl, unsigned char handle) {
const char *ptr = nlsblock_findstr(id);
const char *ptr = svarlang_strid(id);
if (ptr == NULL) ptr = NOTFOUND;
output_internal(ptr, nl, handle);
138,7 → 123,7
const char *ptr = NULL;
unsigned char redirflag = 0;
/* find string in nls block */
if (e < 0xff) ptr = nlsblock_findstr(0xff00 | e);
if (e < 0xff) ptr = svarlang_strid(0xff00 | e);
/* if not found, use a fallback */
if (ptr == NULL) {
sprintf(errstr, "DOS ERR %u", e);
630,149 → 615,26
/* reload nls ressources from svarcom.lng into svarlang_mem */
void nls_langreload(char *buff, unsigned short env) {
unsigned short i;
const char far *nlspath;
char *langblockptr = svarlang_mem;
unsigned short lang;
unsigned short errcode = 0;
const char far *lang;
static unsigned short lastlang;
/* look up the LANG env variable, upcase it and copy to lang */
nlspath = env_lookup_val(env, "LANG");
if ((nlspath == NULL) || (nlspath[0] == 0)) return;
buff[0] = nlspath[0] & 0xDF;
buff[1] = nlspath[1] & 0xDF;
lang = env_lookup_val(env, "LANG");
if ((lang == NULL) || (lang[0] == 0)) return;
_fmemcpy(buff, lang, 2);
buff[2] = 0;
memcpy(&lang, buff, 2);
/* check if there is need to reload at all */
if (lastlang == lang) return;
if (memcmp(&lastlang, buff, 2) == 0) return;
/* printf("NLS RELOAD (curlang=%04X ; toload=%04X\r\n", lastlang, lang); */
buff[4] = 0;
nlspath = env_lookup_val(env, "NLSPATH");
if ((nlspath == NULL) || (nlspath[0] == 0)) return;
if (nlspath != NULL) _fstrcpy(buff + 4, nlspath);
/* copy NLSPATH(far) to buff */
for (i = 0; nlspath[i] != 0; i++) buff[i] = nlspath[i];
if (svarlang_load("SVARCOM", buff, buff + 4) != 0) return;
/* terminate with a bkslash, if not already the case */
if (buff[i - 1] != '\\') buff[i++] = '\\';
/* append "svarcom.lng" */
strcpy(buff + i, "SVARCOM.LNG");
/* copy file content to svarlang_mem */
_asm {
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
/* make sure ES=DS and clear DF (will be useful for string matching) */
push ds
pop es
/* preset SI to buff */
mov si, buff
/* Open File */
mov bx, 0xffff /* bx holds the file handle (0xffff = not set) */
mov ax, 0x3d00 /* DOS 2+ -- Open File for read */
mov dx, si /* fname */
int 0x21 /* cf set on error, otherwise handle in AX */
jmp FAIL
mov bx, ax /* save file handle to bx */
/* read hdr */
mov ah, 0x3f /* DOS 2+ -- Read from File via Handle in BX */
mov cx, 4 /* read 4 bytes */
mov dx, si
int 0x21
jmp FAIL
cmp ax, cx /* hdr must be 4 bytes long (SvL\x1b) */
jne FAIL
/* check that sig is Svl\x1b */
mov di, si
cld /* scasw must inc DI */
mov ax, 'vS'
scasw /* cmp ax, ES:[DI] and DI += 2*/
jne FAIL
mov ax, 0x1B4C
scasw /* cmp ax, ES:[DI] and DI += 2*/
jne FAIL
/* read lang id */
mov ah, 0x3f /* Read from File via Handle in BX */
/* mov bx, [i] already set */
mov cx, 4
mov dx, si
int 0x21
cmp ax, cx
jne FAIL
/* is this the LANG I am looking for? */
mov ax, [lang]
mov di, si
scasw /* cmp ax, ES:[DI] and DI += 2*/
/* skip to next lang */
mov ax, 0x4201 /* move file pointer CX:DX bytes forward */
/* mov bx, [i] file handle */
xor cx, cx
mov dx, [di]
int 0x21
/* read strings (buff+2 bytes) into langblock */
mov di, langblockptr
mov ah, 0x3f /* Read from File via Handle in BX */
mov cx, [si+2]
mov dx, di
int 0x21
jnc DONE
/* on error make sure to zero out langblock's header */
xor cx, cx
mov [di], cx /* langblock id*/
mov [di + 2], cx /* langblock len */
mov [di + 4], cx /* 1st string id */
mov [di + 6], cx /* 1st string len */
/* cleanup and quit */
mov [errcode], ax
/* close file handle if set */
cmp bx, 0xffff
mov ah, 0x3e /* DOS 2+ -- Close a File Handle (Handle in BX) */
int 0x21
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
if (errcode == 0) lastlang = lang;
_fmemcpy(&lastlang, lang, 2);
38,7 → 38,7
CD ..
# build the final executable
*wcl $(LDFLAGS) command.obj cmd.obj deflang.c env.obj redir.obj rmodinit.obj sayonara.obj helpers.obj
*wcl $(LDFLAGS) command.obj cmd.obj deflang.c env.obj redir.obj rmodinit.obj sayonara.obj helpers.obj svarlang.lib\svarlngs.lib
cmd.obj: cmd.c cmd\*.c
wcc $(CFLAGS) cmd.c