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Ignore whitespace Rev 55 → Rev 56

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9,7 → 9,7
0.1:Install Svarog386
0.2:Quit to DOS
0.3:Create an automatic partition
0.3:Create a partition automatically
0.4:Run the FDISK partitioning tool
0.5:Press any key...
0.6:Proceed with formatting
19,46 → 19,20
1.1:Please select your language from the list below:
2.0:You are about to install Svarog386: a free, MSDOS-compatible operating system
2.1:based on the FreeDOS kernel. Svarog386 targets 386+ computers and comes with a
2.2:variety of third-party applications.
# Note: line 2.4 is indented as to be nicely aligned with 2.3:
2.3:WARNING: If your PC has another operating system installed, this other system
2.4: might be unable to boot once Svarog386 is installed.
2.0:You are about to install Svarog386: a free, MSDOS-compatible operating system based on the FreeDOS kernel. Svarog386 targets 386+ computers and comes with a variety of third-party applications.\n\nWARNING: If your PC has another operating system installed, this other system might be unable to boot once Svarog386 is installed.
### DISK SETUP ###
# lines 3.0 to 3.3 are a single (multi-line) message and need to be indented nicely
# also, no line shall be longer than 76 characters
3.0:ERROR: Drive %c: could not be found. Perhaps your hard disk needs to be
3.1: partitioned first. Please create at least one partition on your
3.2: hard disk, so Svarog386 can be installed on it. Note, that
3.3: Svarog386 requires at least %d MiB of available disk space.
# lines 3.4 to 3.7 are also one multi-line message. each line max. 76 characters
3.4:You can use the FDISK partitioning tool for creating the required partition
3.5:manually, or you can let the installer partitioning your disk
3.6:automatically. You can also abort the installation to use any other
3.7:partition manager of your choice.
3.8:Your computer will reboot now.
# the line below must not be longer than 70 characters
3.9:ERROR: Drive %c: is a removable device. Installation aborted.
# the two lines below are a multi-line message. 76 chars max per line.
3.10:ERROR: Drive %c: seems to be unformated.
3.11: Do you wish to format it?
# the two lines below are a multi-line message. 76 chars max per line.
3.12:ERROR: Drive %c: is not big enough!
3.13: Svarog386 requires a disk of at least %d MiB.
# the three lines below are a single multi-line message. 76 chars max per line.
3.14:ERROR: Drive %c: is not empty. Svarog386 must be installed on an empty disk.
3.15: You can format the disk now, to make it empty. Note however, that
3.16: this will ERASE ALL CURRENT DATA on your disk.
3.17:The installation of Svarog386 to %c: is about to begin.
3.0:ERROR: Drive %c: could not be found. Perhaps your hard disk needs to be partitioned first. Please create at least one partition on your hard disk, so Svarog386 can be installed on it. Note, that Svarog386 requires at least %d MiB of available disk space.\n\nYou can use the FDISK partitioning tool for creating the required partition manually, or you can let the installer partitioning your disk automatically. You can also abort the installation to use any other partition manager of your choice.
3.1:Your computer will reboot now.
3.2:ERROR: Drive %c: is a removable device. Installation aborted.
3.3:ERROR: Drive %c: seems to be unformated. Do you wish to format it?
3.4:ERROR: Drive %c: is not big enough! Svarog386 requires a disk of at least %d MiB.
3.5:ERROR: Drive %c: is not empty. Svarog386 must be installed on an empty disk.
3.6:You can format the disk now, to make it empty. Note however, that this will ERASE ALL CURRENT DATA on your disk.
3.7:The installation of Svarog386 to %c: is about to begin.
4.0:Installing package %d/%d: %s
### END SCREEN ###
5.0:Svarog386 installation is over. Your computer will reboot now.
5.1:Please remove the installation disk from your drive.
5.0:Svarog386 installation is over. Your computer will reboot now.\nPlease remove the installation disk from your drive.
11,54 → 11,29
0.2:Wyjd¦ do DOS
0.3:Stw¢rz partycj‘ automatycznie
0.4:Uruchom narz‘dzie partycjonowania FDISK
0.5:Nacižnij cokolwiek...
0.5:Nacižnij dowolny klawisz...
1.0:Witaj w systemie Svarog386
1.1:Wybierz tw¢j j‘zyk z poni§szej listy:
1.1:Wybierz sw¢j j‘zyk z poni§szej listy:
2.0:You are about to install Svarog386: a free, MSDOS-compatible operating system
2.1:based on the FreeDOS kernel. Svarog386 targets 386+ computers and comes with a
2.2:variety of third-party applications.
# Note: line 2.4 is indented as to be nicely aligned with 2.3:
2.3:UWAGA: Ježli tw¢j komputer posiada ju§ inny system operacyjny, system ten
2.4: mo§e nie zdo’a si‘ uruchomi po instalacji Svarog386.
2.0:Za chwil‘ rozpocznie si‘ instalacja systemu Svarog386: bezp’atnego systemu operacyjnego opartego na j†drze FreeDOS, i kompatybilnego z MSDOS. Svarog386 jest przeznaczony dla komputer¢w klasy 386 wzwy§, i zawiera mn¢stwo aplikacji dodatkowych.\n\nUWAGA: Ježli tw¢j komputer posiada ju§ inny system operacyjny, system ten mo§e nie zdo’a si‘ uruchomi po instalacji Svarog386.
### DISK SETUP ###
# lines 3.0 to 3.3 are a single (multi-line) message and need to be indented nicely
# also, no line shall be longer than 76 characters
3.0:ERROR: Drive %c: could not be found. Perhaps your hard disk needs to be
3.1: partitioned first. Please create at least one partition on your
3.2: hard disk, so Svarog386 can be installed on it. Note, that
3.3: Svarog386 requires at least %d MiB of available disk space.
# lines 3.4 to 3.7 are also one multi-line message. each line max. 76 characters
3.4:You can use the FDISK partitioning tool for creating the required partition
3.5:manually, or you can let the installer partitioning your disk
3.6:automatically. You can also abort the installation to use any other
3.7:partition manager of your choice.
3.8:Your computer will reboot now.
# the line below must not be longer than 70 characters
3.9:ERROR: Drive %c: is a removable device. Installation aborted.
# the two lines below are a multi-line message. 76 chars max per line.
3.10:ERROR: Drive %c: seems to be unformated.
3.11: Do you wish to format it?
# the two lines below are a multi-line message. 76 chars max per line.
3.12:ERROR: Drive %c: is not big enough!
3.13: Svarog386 requires a disk of at least %d MiB.
# the three lines below are a single multi-line message. 76 chars max per line.
3.14:ERROR: Drive %c: is not empty. Svarog386 must be installed on an empty disk.
3.15: You can format the disk now, to make it empty. Note however, that
3.16: this will ERASE ALL CURRENT DATA on your disk.
3.17:The installation of Svarog386 to %c: is about to begin.
3.0:BœD: Nie wykryto dysku %c:. By mo§e tw¢j dysk powinien zosta najpierw spartycjonowany. Stw¢rz prosz‘ co najmniej jedn† partycj‘ na twoim dysku, aby Svarog386 m¢g’ zosta na ni† zainstalowany. Svarog386 wymaga co najmniej %d MiB miejsca.\n\nMo§esz skorzysta z narz‘dzia FDISK aby stworzy wymagan† partycj‘ r‘cznie, lub mo§esz pozwoli instalatorowi stworzy j† automatycznie. Mo§esz tak§e wstrzyma instalacj‘ aby u§y jakiegokolwiek innego narz‘dzia do partycjonowania.
3.1:Tw¢j komputer zostanie teraz uruchomiony ponownie.
3.2:BœD: Dysk %c: jest nožnikiem wymiennym. Instalacja zatrzymana.
3.3:BœD: Dysk %c: zdaje si‘ nie by sformatowany. Czy chcesz go sformatowa?
3.4:BœD: Dysk %c: jest za ma’y! Svarog386 wymaga co najmniej %d MiB miejsca.
3.5:BœD: Dysk %c: nie jest pusty. Svarog386 mo§e by zainstalowany wy’†cznie na pustym dysku.\n\n
Mo§esz sformatowa dysk teraz, aby go opr¢§ni. Operacja ta sprawi jednak §e WSZYSTKIE OBECNE DANE ZOSTAN UTRACONE.
3.6:Za chwil‘ rozpocznie si‘ instalacja systemu Svarog386 na dysk %c.
4.0:Installing package %d/%d: %s
# example: "Installing package 4/50: FDISK"
4.0:Instalacja pakietu %d/%d: %s
### END SCREEN ###
5.0:Svarog386 installation is over. Your computer will reboot now.
5.1:Please remove the installation disk from your drive.
5.0:Instalacja Svarog386 jest zako¤czona. Tw¢j komputer zostanie teraz uruchomiony ponownie.\nWyjmij prosz‘ dysk instalacyjny z nap‘du.