Subversion Repositories SvarDOS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 891 → Rev 1254

//doc/svn quickstart.txt
0,0 → 1,149
[authored by Mateusz Viste, the 29th July 2023]
=== INTRO =====================================================================
This document is aimed at people that are committing changes to the SvarDOS
svn repository: developers, packagers, translators...
If you are reading this, then you probably received a write access to the
SvarDOS svn server at, ie. a login and password.
Subversion isn't hugely popular these days, hence people are less and less
comfortable with it. But worry not - subversion is extremely straightforward!
Here you will learn the few most basic operations that will allow you to
interact with svn right away.
=== REPOSITORY CHECKOUT =======================================================
This is one time action that you need to perform so your svn client pulls the
current state of the SvarDOS repository to your disk. It's called a "checkout":
svn co svn://
This will create a "svardos" directory on your disk. All further actions will
be always performed from within this directory.
=== PERIODIC UPDATES ==========================================================
The repository changes with time, so you need to make sure that your local copy
is always up to date. To do so, you only need to execute a single command from
time to time. We call it an "update":
svn up
=== ADD NEW FILES OR DIRECTORIES ==============================================
If you need to create a new subdirectory somewhere in the repo, you can either
ask your svn client to do it, or do it yourself and then ask your svn client to
track it.
Option 1:
svn mkdir newdir
Option 2:
mkdir newdir
svn add newdir
If you creates a new file (new translation, new package, new code file...), you
need to tell svn about it so it starts to version it:
svn add newfile.txt
Once done, you should review your changes and commit them (we will talk about
it below).
=== DELETE A FILE OR DIRECTORY ================================================
Deleting a file or directory via svn is as simple as this:
svn del file_to_dele.txt
svn del dir_to_delete
And of course, you need to commit the changes to apply them on the server.
=== REVIEWING YOUR CHANGES BEFORE COMMIT ======================================
You have done some changes on your local data, and are ready to push them to
the server? Thath's great, but I encourage you to review your changes one last
time, asking svn to list them.
1. Display the list of changed files or directories:
svn st
2. Display the difference between your local files and the server's content:
svn diff
Both these operations will show you the state compared to the last known
content of the server. To make sure nothing changed on the server in the mean
time, you should update your local copy (svn up) beforehand.
=== UNDOING (REVERTING) LOCAL CHANGES =========================================
You made some huge mistake and would like to erase your local changes to revert
back to the last known server's state? Easy:
svn revert file_or_dir_to_revert
It is worth mentionning that this works even if you deleted your local copy of
the file or dir.
=== COMMIT ====================================================================
Finally, you made your changes, reviewed them, made sure your local files are
up to date, and are ready to push things to the server. Awesome. To push all
your changes at once, do a general commit:
svn commit -m "short description of the changes"
If you prefer to push your changed files in separate commits for a better
visibility, then that' s no problem either:
svn commit -m "fixed bug #123" changed_file.c
svn commit -m "improved polish translations" pl.txt
svn commit -m "updated FDISK to ver 1.3.7" fdisk-1.3.7.svp
=== WHY SVN? ==================================================================
Nowadays most project rely on git for their versioning. Many people think
that's because of some technical superiority of git. I think that's rather a
bandwagon trend.
Of course I have nothing against git. It is a very impressive technology and an
outstanding solution to the specific problem it was designed for: enabling
collaboration of huge, unorganized teams on a complex code base while having no
centralized authority. But when it comes to more limited projects, it is my
opinion that git is an unnecessary complication that presents no added value
over svn, while having a number of downsides:
- lack of a centrally managed repository,
- lack of monotonically increasing revisions,
- non-obvious usage,
- poor storage of binary files,
- inefficient client-side storage (stores the entire history)
- ...
Subversion, on the other hand, is simpler due to its centralized nature.
Syncing (updating) local files is both faster and leaner than with git, because
svn cares only about the latest available revision, it does not keep the entire
project's history on the client side. In a word - it's simpler, and I am always
in favor of technical simplicity as long as it does not come with significant
======================================================================= EOF ===